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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. Next two up will be Curaçao and Dependencies, and the West Indies Federation. The nations that drop out because of the Windies will be put to good use later on somewhere else, but that’s where my wishes for the editor come into play. I want to be able to change the namebases, change ethnicities and add nations (maybe women football might add a possibility there).
  2. There are about 500K, so that would take a while. Best way I have seen the deletion work is by starting a file, delete everything and only then save. The delete and save gets a lot slower when you delete, save to file and then delete again. Do you want only players, or also non-players deleted?
  3. On the nation front, I have worked a bit more on Northern America last night and we might end up with a bunch more nations than expected. I aimed initially for 24 (down from 52 total for South and North America), but after some (re)mapping I am now closer to 32. This will obviously also mean some changes for the international competitions.
  4. Since I parked the Iron Curtain for tonight, I have some time to work out the Caribbean Islands. 4 are finalized except that I need to write down the history. These four are going in and I am reading history to work out the exact timeline. 2 are under consideration and if they go in they are in a 'ready to write history' state, but I have some alternatives under consideration that are slightly more left field. They would make for some interesting setting though.
  5. Haven't found one, have done similar things mostly one by one.
  6. Map time! Via the link @Jorgen provided This obviously only the nations I have presented thusfar. More to follow! Edit: not entirely sure I am a fan of the borderless maps like this (colourwise things would work better if you can add the names in the countries as well for instance. Maybe something for a follow up map.
  7. Nation: Guyana Offical long name: Co-operative republic of Guyana Language(s): Dutch, English, French Capital: Paramaribo National stadium: André Kamperveen Stadion Borders: north Caribbean Sea, east Atlantic Ocean, west Colombia and south Brazil Guyana is an indigenous word which means "Land of Many Waters". The most famous footballer from Guyana is Clarence Seedorf. He put the nation on the map with his football results for European giants Ajax, AC Milan, Internazionale, Real Madrid and was almost singlehandedly responsible for Guyana qualifying for several Copa Americas. His 177 caps between 1994 and 2014 is a Guyanese record and equaled the CONAMAF record set for Nahua by Claudio Suarez. It would be surpassed by Andres Guardado only in 2022. The success of Seedorf made many Dutch-Guyanese players decide to play for the Natio, even more strengthening their national team. Guyana as a former Dutch colony gained independence in 1975, but its history is obviously older. Guyana was intermittently part of the British, Dutch, French, Spanish and Portuguese colonies, only to fall back to the Dutch as a result of the Treaty of Westminster. A short war between Brazil and would decide the faith of former Dutch Brazil (now mostly in the Região Nordeste of Brazil) which would stay with Brazil. while Amapá (at that time known as Portuguese Guian) and Roraima were added to Guyana. Tomorrow first the map of Central and South America and then I will continue with the Caribbean teams and slowly work north towards North America.
  8. Silly question maybe, but have you tested in game as well? The editor test module can throw up some weird results. Looking at this, I need to free up some time so I at least remove some headache for you (can't fix that FM32 headache I caused ) I think I see what the issue is, but I am not sure yet what the fix is. Looking at the last screenshot, you see the following things happen, november SEP (no idea which team that is exactly) qualified as Copa Libertadores qualifier. 14th december start of the competition, which in itself is correct. But it almost looks like it is waiting for the other teams to qualify as well. One (minor) fix could be to add some history in your qualifying competitions, so the CLs and such to aid the available teams. Otherwise it won't find a qualifying team and will wait for it to qualify. But that only fixes available teams and doesn't explain the dates.
  9. Wait for the map of South and Central America that I plan to post after I have finished Guyana
  10. Nation: Brazil Offical long name: Federative Republic of Brazil Language(s): Portuguese Capital: Brasilia National stadium: Estádio do Maracanã Borders: north Guyana and Colombia, east Atlantic Ocean, west Bolivia and south Uruguay Brazil, the nation of samba, samba football and Pelé, the only player who has won four World Championships. Despite the World Cup succes, Brazil has seen limited Copa America success since. The outflux of Brazilian players to Europe has seen a weakened national side that has a hard time to restore the pride of Pele's past. 5 time Ballon D'Or winner Ronaldo was the only one to hand Brazil another World Cup in 1998, at the peak of his injury shorted career. The Brazil organized World Cups did not bring the nation any joy. Au contraire, it mostly brought them heartbreak. In the game where the World Cup attendance record of 173,850 was set at the Estádio do Maracanã. Brazil lost the final and in the second Brazil organized World Cup a semi final trouncing by the Prussian team would see many more Brazilian tears. The history of Brazil then is not as bloody as that of the surrounding nation. This is because while the Spanish colonies would revolt when the Napoleonic wars handed them the opportunity, the Portuguese King moved the Portuguese court to Brazil, forming the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves. When the war in Europe was over, the Portuguese court was moved back to Europe and Brazil declared independence in 1822. Portugal formally accepted this independence in 1825. The only significant loss of territory would occur in the Brazil - Río de la Platian war, but as mentioned while discussing Río de la Plata, the Brazilians prefer not to discuss this episode in history. Next up and last for Southern America: Guyana
  11. There is a players go on loan tickbox in the list.
  12. That might be part of the problem, for the fixture and discipline rules probably. Not sure about the data issues though.
  13. West and East Germany are now completely finished and it is time for some Austrian cuisine! Will take me quite a bit of time next week and probably the week after as well, since holiday is over tomorrow
  14. When players are transferred they will learn the language of the nation of their new club. This will mean a player can learn a lot of languages. It is not logical that a player will keep the level of those languages up as they will stay away from some countries for a while. A player from for instance Algeria will likely stay fluent in Arabic, Tamazight and French, but if they are transferred to Germany and then to France, the German should probably fade away quickly. Added note: it is a little bugbear of mine, but I can understand that it doesn't go high on the priority list.
  15. You might want to swap the draw and setup date. The -1 fixture rules is that it looks at a default value. That shouldn't have an impact on scheduling though. I would have to see the file to check on the May-December conundrum though.
  16. It would work for one season and then the game starts adding newgens.
  17. 176 more to go and (West) Germany is completely finished. Things went quicker than expected (and hoped to be honest). Still Austria will be the biggest part to chew on as Germany has a lot of German second nations (700+) while Austria only has around 300.
  18. Several things that influence this, the length of the season, amount of cup or European games and other international games as well. So easiest would be to create a short(er) season so you have enough weekends to plan in.
  19. Too bad, that trick didn't help either. I also see that the U19 has a ID that is quite low, which again tells me this is hardcoded. Sorry, case of can't fix.
  20. There is one alternative that I am checking now and that's to set flexible format to overwrite code, but that's just a guess and to be very honest, it might do more that I don't expect it to do than it to do good. It's just that I want to see if it overrides the U19 team.
  21. Seems it is something set by a researcher based on the way it pops up in the game. So this is probably permanent for this specific team. To elaborate, there is the possibility for a team to have specific reserve and youth teams set by researchers. That in general overrides all competition setups as it is datadriven and not competitiondriven.
  22. Doing some testing, but verifying 10 levels takes time.... Edit: trying out one thing that helped me previously in FM20 and FM22. It is slightly counterintuitive, but as @themodelcitizensays, that's the editor for you.
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