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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. In that case, I suggest logging a bug and keeping away from the screen as much as possible.
  2. I have had an affiliation with a top level team when I was in the division below. When I got promoted, the affiliation was ended as Etebaer says. I am not sure what the same board would do for the promotion. I think (emphasis on think) that FM might ignore this. However, if Mantova goes up, I am curious what would happen.
  3. Cool to hear it has helped you start and work something out for yourself.
  4. Question: Would there be interest for me to post a builder log where I write out exactly what I am doing in the files I am working on and why? This goes beyond what I am doing in the Iron Curtain and is aimed to be a guide or manual you can pick things from in your own building. Warning beforehand, the first part of my work is very much data gruntwork as I always try to start with an as complete as possible dataset.
  5. Put in a feature request. This is the kind of stuff would improve FM.
  6. Weird, that is one we had in FM22 as a bug, but was OK in FM23.
  7. That took a little longer than hoped, but I have started on the Swiss file tonight. Luckily not as much to do as the Austrian file, but still will take time. Player file alone is at 286K in changes and the game is at 806K with all files (except for a full East Germany and full Yugoslavia). Let's see when we hit 1,000,000M
  8. Nation: Florida Offical long name: Republic of Florida Language(s): Spanish, English Capital: Havana National stadium: Estadio Panamericano Borders: West Aciadana, Illinois Confederation, south Caribbean Sea, West Indies Federation, north Iroquois Confederacy, United States and east Borinquen, Lucaya, Atlantic Ocean There was a time being called a Florida man was an honour. Florida men were those from Spanish Florida who would guard the northern borders against intrusions from the United States and aid those fleeing from slavery. Initially Spanish Florida covered much of the southeast of the North American continent and together with Cuba formed the Captaincy General of Florida. Conflicts with France, Great Britain and the United States limited that area to what now is the state of Florida and the island of Cuba. Florida was Spanish until it was handed over to the United States in 1821. As Spain was knee deep in the Latin American revolts, keeping Florida was not seen as a priority. The Florida territory would not be admitted was as an US state until 1845. The state seceded from the United States becoming one of the original seven states of the Confederate States. The United States requested Spain to assist in the Civil War. Spain in answer to that request attacked Florida from their bases in Cuba and Puerto Rico. Spain quickly was able to overrun the Floridian defences as the Confederates did not expect an attack from the south. This also meant Spain was able to take over Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi. At the end of the civil war, the United States requested the handover of the states that Spain had pacified. To their shock and horror, Spain did not agree. As the United States had conflicts to solve on other fronts, it left Florida, considering it still low value for now. In 1898 the United States came back on that and invaded Florida and attacked Cuba and Puerto Rico in an attempt to get back mainland territory and get the two islands under control. This attempt failed miserably. The Florida area together with Cuba was declared a free nation afterwards as the Spanish decided to give up on their last colonies. Florida football is mainly a winter sport as the summers are too hot to play football. With several Copa America qualifications and good results in the Copa Libertadores Florida can be considered a solid team in America, but it still needs a qualification for the World Cup to make the next step. Next up Acadiana
  9. 365 Austrians to go, so almost there. That should be finished Tuesday or Wednesday. Luckily Switzerland is somewhat smaller. Things have gone very slow since I got back to work and not exactly the way I want it. I have noticed so in other things as well.
  10. It is indeed part of the process. Afterall, all history is revisionism.
  11. Depends on the combination of dates you use. In some cases for instance it will mean the competition starts one year in the future, in another case it means the tournament is planned the next year, but every setup date it gets moved another year without being played. I had that last one with my Czechoslovakian Cup final.
  12. There are two options where results are taken over into new stages or competitions. 1 is sending them to a new stage (does not need to be the same competition) where you can specify which competitions The other is where you pull the stages from another competition, the pink line and the one two rows below are the ones.
  13. Hmmm, maybe I have to check it that is a hardcoded amount or it is somewhere editable in the xmls.
  14. True, but my bugbear is more aimed at the players who have spend 6 months in a nation and then move away and after 5 years are still semi-fluent.
  15. I would say that in that case you want more wizards and not so much want a simplified editor.
  16. You have probably set your base year to 2022 or something like that. The editor works with a base year of 2000.
  17. We are 20 nations now and we have 13 more to go for a final total of 33 American nations. You will have spotted some them already Texas California Florida but for the others I still need to work out the exact history as there is a lot of interconnection. So the next reveal could take a few days.
  18. Nation: Greenland Offical long name: Greenland Language(s): Kalaallisut Capital: Nuuk National stadium: Nuuk Stadium Borders: West Nunangat. south Atlantic Ocean, north Arctic Ocean and east <redacted> The football team with maybe the cutest nickname with a very dark undertone is Greenland. There is of course nothing teddy bear about a Polar Bear, so the Polar Teddy Bears are a bit of a misnomer. Greenland is an island country and part of the Kingdom of <redacted>. Despite the harsh conditions in Greenland football has played in competition since 1954. The climate does pose some challenges and the long winter means Greenland has one of the shortest seasons in competition football. One of the obvious isses plagueing Greenlandish football for years is the availability of a proper playing surface. Games were playing on sand or even gravel until the quality of artificial turf became of a sufficient level. An added issue was that since FIFA didn't allow fieldturf as a playing surface until 2007, it was not possible to have a FIFA graded pitch and play official international games until then. The Greenlandish team is a mix of Greenlandic players and Nordic people who were either born in Greenland or who were born in the Nordics and moved with their parents. The current national team coach is scouting the Nordics for more players with Greenlandic roots to strengthen the team and qualify for the Copa America. The most well known Greenlandic player is Jesper Grønkjær. ** Redacted is because I don't want set Europe in stone yet and it would give me the option to change my mind. Also, even though you might think you may already have an idea about the looks of Europe, you really don't. Really, you really don't ** And now we have finished the American Island nations, it is time for the mainland. Next up is Florida!
  19. The second thing is possible for sure. The first one might be possible if a ranking based on years works. There is a ranking that works for average points for instance, you could see if you can 'ab'use that.
  20. Nation: Bermuda Offical long name: Bermuda Language(s): English Capital: Hamilton National stadium: Bermuda National Stadium Borders: West Atlantic Ocean. south Atlantic Ocean, north Atlantic Ocean and east Atlantic Ocean Bermuda is another of the still colonized areas of America. Bermuda is a British colony since 1612 and is the oldest remaining British colony. Bermuda is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and has been a stop for British between the Old and New World. The Bermudian population is mostly made up from the descendants of freed slaves and people who immigrated from the British Isles. All Bermudians have the British nationality as well. Football was brought to the islands by the British obviously, but despite being the national sport, Bermuda is one of the worst teams in America. There are calls for independenced which according to some should help the level of the Bermudian team. Question is whether the island could handle independence as the British crown does complements al deficits. Next up is Greenland
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