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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. Moved to main forum (no download in post).
  2. One way to do that is to specify the continental qualifiers. That's something that can also be done in advanced rules. Then the game knows where to pick from.
  3. Washington DC, but you are right with Lincoln. He was assasinated April 14th 1865 and since Lincoln was a man from Illinois (which caused large waves of volunteers to join the Union army), his murder will have a big effect on the psyche of the Confederation.
  4. You can download it from Steam.
  5. After some work on the Iron Curtain has learned me some valuable lessons after converting data to a new version, with 16K in errors.... I at least know what not to do next time The work on the nation, local regions and city can continue since that is 'master reference data' which only will be added to and not change too much, but club data and even more so player data is much more fluid. So there I can only do nationalities (again because of less chance in changes), while other changes will have to wait. That will also likely mean there will have to be a final version where i will finish in, even if newer versions come out. But hey, that's almost 10 years in the future I have also worked a bit on the Illinois Confederation history which is now set up until April 14th 1865, and yes, I do realise that is oddly specific But it is a pivotal moment in the history of the confederation and that day will become a rallying cry for the Illiniwek.
  6. Ok, the good news is that with one change I have managed to remove 4000 errors. And I am already down from 16215 to 11938. There was a weird data error where all Japanese people had the languages Slovenian, Bosnian and Serbian assigned. Don't ask me why, but it seems this has been fixed in the 23.3 for a large part. As I also fixed this in my 23.1 database those changes conflicted with each other and gave the error.
  7. Yes. You would have to do several things. First ensure that no English competitions allows for foreign players. This can be done in advanced rules. Next is to change the transfer preferences where English teams will not transfer players from other nations (this is under Nation England in the transfer preferences). Then you would have to move out the foreign players, but you could just wait untill they leave on their own. One change important to make is to set the years to set gain nationality to a higher value, because otherwise a lot of non-English will take on the English nationality as well.
  8. Moved to main forum since there is no download in the post.
  9. The nation errors have been fixed and strangely all had to do with famous people that I deleted. Anyway, that was an easy fix. In the meantime I am looking into the people errors. Several are apparently with language changes, which does explain the errors for 1500 Japanese people (yes, that's one fifth of all affected people!). I am thinking how to do this the quickest and I think I have an idea how to fix this while avoiding to have to reload every time, because reloading after a fix is the real issue in removing the real errors. Another error turns out to be with regard to players that I have moved where I have set a 0 as transfer fee. Since that 0 is needed, that means I do have to go through everything unfortunately. Otherwise the moved players will lead to immense transfer fees. That's a slight bummer, but.... and this is important, this is the kind of work that I can do in some quiet hours when I am not working on competitions. So I got some more work to do the next two weeks
  10. The players files is finished with 350212 and I am converting it to version 22.3. That's not a success as there are 76 errors in nations and a whopping 16215 errors in people The nation errors should be fixed quickly (in just 12 nations). The player changes apply to 7432 players. Ouch.... Oh, the joys of versions!
  11. If you convert your nation rules to advanced, you have the list with the nation and all the competitions. You need to be in the nation section as that has a transfer tab. Top of the transfer screen is the option to remove or set Bosman rules. It also allows you set the amount of days before the end of the contract before another team can discuss terms with a player.
  12. The same level should be enough, but it depends a bit on your competition setup how the editor enjoys it. Two level 1 competitions can give errors in basic rules, but based on your question being asked in advanced, you should be able to work around that in advanced rules.
  13. You can set that for your nation in advanced rules. There are a few issues with that however. Foreign teams will be able to approach your players as well and you can't approach players in foreign leagues in the same way.
  14. Working on mop up duty currently. Things are going fast. The players file was on 329K when I finished all foreigner work and it is now on 347K. Small changes, but in bulk, so things go really fast.
  15. Since these are files from their site, best to ask there.
  16. 48 foreign players to go to finish player movement. After that it is various checks for data cleanup and I have to move some staff around. But that's all mainly mop up duty. So it is recuperating from the brain fog and then back to competition work. Total changecount yesterday was 888K.
  17. Physical copies can be bought via places like Ebay, Amazon and such, possibly, but it depends on availability. It is how I bought FM16 some years back and recently FM19 (although that was mainly to complete the collection )
  18. @BB_FM we request people not to post videos or links. Please use this forum to promote your Youtube channel. https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/24-football-manager-channels-streams-and-community-links/ Thank you.
  19. Slowly getting back to editing. Have done some things, but overdoing it wasn't on the menu.
  20. Looking at it, I don't see an option to change that age. Might be a hardcoded thing actually.
  21. Check the chairman and other directors.
  22. Zero points for a win isn't possible, minimum two points, but you can set draws and losses higher.
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