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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. It is possible, but you will have to swap one nation back as well.
  2. Adding a continent isn't possible. There is already a 7th continent which is the continent world. Using less than 5 continent isn't an issue, just remove every data from the one continent you aren't going to use. It's just that you can't remove it from the game, so it would end up a holder for nations like Mayotte and Wallis & Futune as a sort of unaffiliated leftover area. The one thing you can do if you want more continent is just to split them on competition level. If you work with all nations from the same continent, that's quite easy and you can work in a sort of subcontinent way. If working with nations from more than one continent you end up with a competition on the world tab.
  3. In the meantime I have made some (very minor) changes in the North American map consolidating some areas and making them more logical. I would say 99% of my first draft has survived, with minor border adjustments between Québec and Newfoundland and between Canada and the Illinois Confederation. I am also looking up the information for Nunangat as that's the only one that really needs to be worked out in detail. And I have started with a first setup for the history of the nations. While working on the Iron Curtain 2020 I already made some excel sheets for that. but things are a little bit more complicated as I have to work out national history first, then continental club cup setup, then work through available results (if any) all the while while merging the results of two confederations. I never said it was easy So with that, when I have finished the last 4 nations, it is time to start really setting up the international club cup timelines and the international nation football championship timelines. So I will probably do a big post on that (hopefully soon). How I work out national history will probably be described when I have really picked up on my first nation build. History is in the making!
  4. Nation: Newfoundland Offical long name: Newfoundland Language(s): English Capital: St. John's National stadium: King George V Park Borders: West Québec, north Nunangat, south United States, east Atlantic Ocean The history of Newfoundland (pronounced Newfundland) starts when William Carson called for the replacement of the system of arbitrary rule by naval commanders, seeking instead to have a resident governor and an elective legislature. His systemic calls would lead to Newfoundland being declared a colony in 1824. Carson himself would be part of the legislature for many years until his death in 1843. Newfoundlanders decided to pass on joining the Dominion of Canada in 1867. Newfoundland remained a colony until acquiring dominion status in 1907. The 1929 depression made Newfoundlanders wonder if they weren't better off back as a colony and it led to the abandonment of self-government, making Newfoundland the only country ever voluntarily relinquished democracy. Fortunes would turn when the United States requested access to Newfoundland for naval bases. This led to an influx of American money and a general lift in prosperity of the island. It also led to doubts on the side of the British and Canadians out of fear that an independent Newfoundland would join the United States due to their economic and military ties. This would mean Canada would only have a very limited access to the Atlantic Ocean. Newfoundland was urged to join Canada, but in the 1948 referendums the Newfoundlanders voted otherwise. Since the United States wasn't interested in antagonizing a close ally like Canada and didn't want to offer statehood to Newfoundland, after receiving assurances that the Canadian and an eventuel Newfoundland government would honour the leases for bases on Newfoundland, the U.S. State Department had no further interest in the political future of Newfoundland. The two options in the referendum then were Confederation with Canada and Independency. The independency faction would win with 58,8% where confederation with Canada only received 41,1%. After negotiations with the British and with the Canadians (among others over access to waterways), Newfoundland officially gained independence at midnight, March 31, 1949. King George V Park, the national stadium of Newfoundland, build in 1925 is the oldest surviving football stadium north of the Nahuan border. As mentioned before Newfoundland club teams qualify for the Copa Libertadores via the Canadian Football League. The second level is organized by the Newfoundland Football Association. The Newfoundland Football league is one of the smallest competition in the CONAMAF football sphere which is no surprise with a population of less than 500,000. Despite that Newfoundlander teams have upset some teams over the year. This might have to do with the adverse weather on Newfoundland. Especially wind can be a factor in games, but cold and even snow have caused several upsets against warm weather opponents over the years. Don't ask teams from Lucaya to play a friendly international game in St. John's. You might not enjoy their respons! And after finishing this former Canada trifecta, it is time to return to the former United States, next up is the Illinois Confederation
  5. Create the language Greenlandic or give it the Inuit name, and every newly created person with a Greenlandic name, give that person that name. Also, give Nuuk and eventual other cities and the local region the Greenlandic language.
  6. Nation: Québec Offical long name: Québec Language(s): French Capital: Québec National stadium: Stade olympique Borders: West Canada, north Nunangat, south United States, east Newfoundland, Atlantic Ocean Between 1534 and 1763, Quebec was called Canada and this means the Québecois do think they have a right to the name. Canada the nation tends to disagree on this. While this obviously wasn't the reason Québec seceeded from the dominion of Canada, the Québecois consider it one of the many situations where the Québecois and Canadian government disagreed and it increased the rift between the nations. The Québec region was initially colonised by French settlers, only to be lost to the British during the Seven Years' War. Despite differences in language and religion, the British guaranteed the freedom of religion and French language, which enabled Québec to keep its distinctive culture. In 1837 a revolt would break out against the British leading to the creation of the Canada Province, merging Lower Canada and Upper Canada. This was purely done to diminish the French influence. This created the type of resentment that would brew for a long time and was responsible for a lot of friction in the province until 1867. In 1867 the Dominion of Canada was created and the Canada Province was split into an English part (Ontario) and a French part (Québec). Where other parts of Canada would see modernisation, the Québec province would see a Catholic stranglehold well into the 20th century with the church deciding over various mental and physical matters. The Quiet Revolution (because Québecois were still Canadians afterall) would start in the 60s and lead to a much more liberal Québec. With this came a sense of Québecois nationalism and selfdeterminism. Where Canada was relative lenient towards Québec autonomy the tide turned when the Front de libération du Québec kidnapped British diplomat James Cross and French-Canadian politician Pierre Laporte. Despite the backlash and strong support of the Canadian government in the 1970 October crisis, peacefull Québecois request for sovereignity would actually increase. This would lead to the 1980 Québec Referendum. An overwhelming majority said YES to secession. After long and difficult negotiations Québec seceeded in 1987 as part of the Meech Lake Accord. One of the highlights of the Québec is the yearly Acadia Cup between the national football teams of Québec and Acadiana to strengthen their brotherly bond. Québec international football is mostly limited to qualifying rounds as the amount of football players is limited. Just like Canada ice hockey is the more popular pastime. Despite this, Québec club teams have seen some strong results in the Copa Libertadores with the Montreal team being the most succesful one. As mentioned before Québec plays in the Canadian Football League together with teams from Newfoundland and Canada. The second level in Québec is the Première ligue de soccer du Québec and is played with only Québec teams. Next up Newfoundland (test first if you can pronounce it correctly!)
  7. Nation: Canada Offical long name: Dominion of Canada Language(s): English, French and various indigenous languages Capital: Ottawa National stadium: Maple Leaf Stadium Borders: West Cascadia, north Nunangat, south Illinois Confederation, Oceti Sakowin, Iroquois Confederacy, United States, east Quebec Oh Canada! Canada is a ice hockey nation, but has done surprising well for a nation where football is the third sport behind ice hockey and lacrosse. Canada was colonised by the British just like most of their southern neighbours. Large territories were confiscated by companies like the Hudson Bay company, who were active in the fur trapping business. A first sort of war of independence for Canada took place between 1812 and 1815. This was a war between the United States and the British in the Canadian colonies. Had the United States won, it would have been likely there would not have been a Canada. Native Americans were fighting with both parties and the Shawnee leader Tecumseh would play a part in this war and later rebellions. The war ended in a stalemate where both the United States showed to be a force to be reckoned with and the British showed they were not to be pushed over. The troubling memories of the war would prove to fuel the distrust toward the Americans and set the basis for a distinct Canadian identity. The rebellions of 1837 made the British merge Lower and Upper Canada together which would create the friction needed for Quebec leaving Canada later on. The dominion of Canada was created in 1867, giving Canada selfgovernment becoming independent over the next century. While serious attempts were made by the United States to pull Canada into the American civil war, only 30000 Canadians would fight on the union side, while at the same time some 30000 Americans would leave the United States as they didn’t want to take part in the war. Except for a heightened alertness at the Canadian border and some maritime incidents, the war was a distant rumble. Canada would expand with territory to the north and west with the aptly named Northern Territories, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, but would also lose territory again. British Columbia and Vancouver Island were lost to the Cascadian rebellion and Québec would secede. Newfoundland which by many is considered a former Canadian province actually never was part of the dominion, but those latter two will be discussed in separate posts. Nunangat would gain autonomy, but officially is still part of Canada. The remoteness and lack of population made the decision easy to keep Nunangat in a separate competition. Canadian football is mainly focused in Ontario which with almost half the population is not strange. The Canadian competition is a transnational competition with Newfoundland and Québec also providing teams. All teams for the Copa Libertadores qualify via this competition which also means qualification for the Newfoundland and Quebec teams is automatic. Due to the vast distances football long has been more regionalised and those regional competitions can still be found back at lower levels. Internationally Canada has won one Copa America which has been considered a fluke and has qualified twice for the World Cup.
  8. That's obviously a question for a later moment, but high over, since both level 2 and 3 are going to be divisions, it should work. Level 3 will be divided into regional divisions with an expanded playoff. The issue that might have been is that people have looked at it as a cup and then it won't work in FM, as you can't promote and relegate from cups. But what I probably will do is create two levels in basic rules with promotion and relegation between them, then create a cup with group stages and use that as my base. In advanced rules I can then rebulld the cup into a division competition. A bit cheating, but hey
  9. PS: I am a professional bug hunter in my day job, so this is kind of a fun puzzle for me
  10. I think I found it. It is in the language section. I looked up the changes to see if I could find anything special. What I noticed in the club section was that there were a lot of extra Frisian and Greenlandish teams. The latter are interesting for me for a project, but the Frisian were of my interest. Then I started checking for changed items in the city area. Clicking one of the cities that were created for Holland I noticed something: The Frisian language set for this city. And clicking on that language I got this. Fries (Frisian) is created as a language and probably because you reused the nation that was previously Frisia, it is still set as a language for the British Isles. That explains your issue. Set the Nation for Fries to Holland and you should see an improvement. You can also remove it if you want. 1000007 seems a newly made language to me.
  11. None in the downloads section, but you might want to check Steam.
  12. If you drag it here, you won't remove it from your folder. It is just a copy that is made, no removal.
  13. Peak CA and PA can't be set via the in game editor. They are only available in the pre game editor (and probably werent even supposed to be there).
  14. Moved to main forum. With regard to your problem, in basic rules there is an issue with seeding which causes the highest seeds to be confused with the lowest seeds. This means the big teams miss out. Feels kinda nice though
  15. ESL EU verifies. See file I have attached. For the other two, check if you should add fixture rules, that's what's bothering right now. Also for the World League one, it also gives a message about a missing top level division in South Africa ESL Verified.fmf
  16. It won't or it errors? Big difference and big difference in time spend on checking what is going wrong here.
  17. I would need to see the file to answer that question. Your logic is logical, so make sense.
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peruvian_Segunda_División and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copa_Perú I want to set up level one and two like an Apertura and Clausura, but the promoted teams from level 3 are determined via a Cup tournament, which if you set it up correctly is mostly a playoff system after a regionalized league system with some quirks.
  19. Yes, it is possible, but it is a complex job in advanced rules probably.
  20. Impressive staying power. If people will spend IC20 or IC22 playing for 3-4 years I would be very happy.
  21. There is a way to get the Caribbean Super League working in real life, but you would have to keep an eye on travel costs indeed. I have at least one multination competition for Europe in mind. People from other sports would recognize it and the setup. The only ones that are pretty much set right now are Brazil and the setup I have in mind for Tawantinsuyu. That last one is actually based on a reallife competition people think won't be workable in FM and I think I have worked out how to get it to work.
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