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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. There is a rule that blocks teams from having foreign staff. Create advanced rules for Turkey and check under (I think) transfer rules.
  2. Always keep one spot open for the UEL winner, so you don't end up with too many teams, but you can also use ignores for instance if a team already qualified for the compeition in another way like via winning the championship. Many option, but depends a bit on what you have in mind for the exact qualifiers.
  3. The answer to 1 is yes. This means two versions of the competitions, but it is doable.
  4. Portugal obviously the new favorite after last night, but..... if they fail Ronaldo will have been the reason. A bigger ego than his whole nation and his family is quite good at it as well.
  5. I am not sure the gain is in the world cup itself. However, if you can set up central qualification cities to play, that would do much more for travelling. It would be a back and forth travelling cost incurred for several teams, but instead of 1 match it would be three matches, which would limit travelling severely. Obviously there is the discussion over home advantage then. I agree on the building costs though. Upgrading stadiums which would have happened anyway, is still a burden, but less so than building existing stadiums up from zero. Travel to and from the World Cup is another one where you could gain. Qatar is an odd one here since it is difficult accesible, but going from Europe and Asia to Russia might have been an option by train. It just takes a little longer, but deal with that.
  6. Have considered it for Germany with a Bundesländer meisterschaft and a Bundesliga, but it is on the long list of ideas I have.
  7. 12 more teams to do, but these are the bigger ones and includes Red Bull Leipzig which has almost no Ossies.
  8. You can change the owner, but scheduling one is not possible.
  9. That's at least 45 minutes of grumpy cat at the bench. Would he refuse to play if his manager brings him in with three minutes to go or would he leave the stadium?
  10. Would be fun if Morocco wins. Only bad thing would be the riots in the Netherlands. Because when you win, some people think it is normal to wreck stuff and throw fireworks at people
  11. I am at 194K right now Edit: Wait, that just the players :P Total is about 520K, but that's without the changes the East Germany and Yugoslavia will get, so this could already be closer to 550K.
  12. I think that Linfield thought sounds plausible.
  13. I think that is a question better suited to the skinners.
  14. 57 more East German clubs to check and then the foreigners have been send out. However, then it is a matter of luring all wandering sheep back to the DDR herd.
  15. @bluestillidie00exactly that. The Greifswald clubs are linked and this is what is causing it. Issue here is that if you unlink them, the trophies get divided and I don't know if you want that.
  16. For some errors there are multiple places to change things, so you might have missed one of those places. For instance, you have the required amount of teams at nation lelvel per division, you have the requested amount of teams for a competition and you have the requested amount of teams at stage level inside the competition.
  17. What happens if you add both a common name and Pele's official name? An issue could be (this is educated guesses though) that the common name reverts because there are no first and last name.
  18. Where is it? Haven't spotted that one before (or simply overlooked it).
  19. Relax It wasn't meant to make you sound arrogant in any way. Some of the errors are sometimes so counter-intuitive you really need to work out how things work in the editor. So if you are able to fix the more complex errors that turn up (and even the most common errors can have different causes), you are allowed to say you feel like a developer. As a mod I usually delve deeper into the editor as it is part of my mod description, but I am happy my hair is so short I can't pull it out in frustration
  20. You don't have 3 levels here, but four since 2 of your 9 subdivisions have a level below. This is how the editor sees things. If you set D2A1 and D2A2 at the same level the game will consider them equal.
  21. You posted in the download section. Since it doesn't have a download and is just a question I moved it to this part of the forum
  22. With some delays, Yugoslavian player movement has been finished! The last really big job coming up now is the East Germany foreigners and moving East Germans back to East Germany, but then it is on to Western Europe and that will go much faster because of more lenient foreign player rules. The file is on 192K changes, which is less than expected, but things didn't need as much changes for the last part as it needed for the first groups of Yugoslav players. Und jetzt ist es Zeit für Ostalgie!
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