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Everything posted by wazzaflow10

  1. Wish they'd have a toggle for real injures or reduced. I had a flurry at the beginning and toned the training down a bit and now I have none. Seems to easy to avoid them by just giving players enough rest. Don't know if that significantly hampers development but not seeing the injury crisis.
  2. Played liverpool in a cup semifinal. they made subs and even went to a narrow 4-1-2-1-2 diamond and scored an equalizer to force ET. They didn't change back and I wound up winning 6-2 after scoring, saving a penalty and hitting them on the counter 3 times.
  3. I'd wager fatigue. Feel like a lot of the bigger wins come when you rotate and the AI has players that are exhausted by halftime. I'm loving the goalfest but understand there's maybe a few too many going in. In my current save though it seems like the upper and lower bounds are on target for the amount scored. I'd rather have too many goals than not enough. Nothing is more frustrating than having 3 xG and 0 actual goals repeatedly.
  4. The old system (one on one) was very overpowered though that is why they've toned it down. I never really got far enough in a save to see impacts in 23. I think the main issue is that no real players have negative personalities some might be more or less professional or sporting but you won't see slack or casual on a real player. IMO it takes away some of the realism. So to combat the fact that for the first 10-15 years of a long term save you'll have leaders that have positive personalities I think toning down whatever benefit there is feels appropriate. Otherwise it would feel too easy to take any young player put them in a desirable mentor group and remove all negative personality effect. I'm sure mentoring has some effect on some players but in reality I'm not so sure player personalities change much because they're in a group with "model citizens". It feels like a game mechanic more than reflection of real life.
  5. No it appears that the person you select to welcome to the team will have his personality copied over to the new signing.
  6. its a bug. They're already looking into over at the bug forums.
  7. I'm convinced a lot of these people who are experiencing crazy high injury rates are playing max tempo with gegenpress and filling out the training schedule with sessions and double intensity. I've never had crazy injuries until I was using a real life injury mod.
  8. There weren't enough goals scored in 23 for away teams so they definitely had to increase the rate at which they scored anyway. I think we're all going to find out this version you need to set up your defensive structure properly or you'll get exposed by players in half spaces or overloads much more than in previous versions. I've been man marking IWB with same sided wingers with good effect or using wingers to man mark a DM if there's an IFB on their side to keep the balance in my favor in the midfield. I do think they'll have to come up with some better defensive tools over time to counter the new movement. I think we should enjoy the goalscoring though because if they tone it down too much a lot of people will complain about their striker not finishing their 1v1s again.
  9. I've only had one weird interaction where one of my players didn't like the role they were playing despite it being what they asked for. Feel like people forget this is a management simulator. As a manager you have to deal with your direct reports constantly and some complain a lot. I've not gone far enough in a save to see AI squad building issues. Rotation could maybe use a boost though.
  10. In my save the goals scored seem to be right on the money. Last year away teams struggled mightily to score. Home games were easy, away games was about grinding it out. It feels like this year to me you have to think about where the opposition is attacking from and make sure you have sufficient cover across all five lateral zones regardless. Home teams still have a slight boost obviously but I haven't felt a wide discrepancy between home and away performances. My only major gripe is that set piece marking could be represented better. I do feel like there's too many goals from throw ins but that's anecdotal. There's a ton of variety in the way my team scores visually. The new deflection/ball physics really makes it feel more realistic especially if your keeper gets wrong footed or your striker misses a sitter. I hope they don't change much other than maybe little tweaks. Occasionally I feel like players take too heavy a touch but that's not unrealistic.
  11. 2nd half kick off initial pass went past the CB and almost out for a corner. Not sure if its a bug or just a 1 in a billion event (maybe shouldn't happen in top level football) but thought I'd flag it anyway.
  12. Just had bellingham drop 4 points from June to October. Also personality change from perfectionist to model citizen (yay?). I did have him in a mentoring group with Erikson whos determination is 16 at the start but after his determination dropped from 20 to 19 I removed Bellingham from the group. I can understand that being the cause but the effect seems way too high. Edit: I also uploaded two files to you guys named Bellingham Pre determination drop July 2024 and Bellingham Determination Drop Oct 2024. I might have a few in between if needed as well as a few pre transfer.
  13. Disallowed goal in 45+1. Not sure how this would be considered offsides unless the game is considering Martial to be obstructing the defender but still seems odd considering how far away it is. Also marking should be much better here. I'm outnumbered 7 to 8 and a simple throw in routine causes havoc. Not that it shouldn't happen once in a while if there's a quick throw or some sort of overload but there should be sufficient cover here that a player shouldn't be able to walk in like that uncontested.
  14. 2nd goal in 34 minute. No idea what he's doing there. Also need to look at how a team playing with a narrow front three overpowers any defense. My two wingers should be tracking their wing backs much better. Especially after i've set them to man mark. After that I have five at the back with Rice man marking Havertz it shouldn't turn into a fire drill every time PSG get on the ball. I get its preseason and players might not be fully engaged but that's shockingly bad.
  15. First thoughts on the beta Overall impression: Solid but frustrating. Not entirely sure how to configure tactics in the new ME quite yet. Will definitely need a few visits to the tactics forum to figure out how to fit pieces together. The good: Loving the new ball physics and general 3D textures. Player movements look much more fluid. Keeper animations are solid - can even see them punch the ball. Attacking player movement is much improved. Generally take up much better positions. Players will often play the obvious pass forward if available. Crossing doesn't always hit the first man and go out for a corner and player seem much more willing to cross at appropriate times. It's a nice change of pace from the wait for cross then clang it off the player nearest you loop. The bad: Defending set pieces is a nightmare. I think all defensive players get a 200 point IQ drop the moment the ball goes out of play. Seem to have zero awareness on threats, particularly on throw ins and the natural position recovery after the ball is cleared initially. Everyone seems to be caught between mark player I'm near and run blindly back to my assigned position. Leads to a lot of heart in mouth stuff. Speaking of throw ins - the deep attacking throw in offsides bug is still present. If a player is taking a throw in from the corner flag, the player receiving the ball should never attempt to play a one-two with him. The ugly: Given up 3 Penalties in 4 games. Probably not a bug but holy hell. None of them are even tackles. Just players "pushing" another player when a ball gets lofted from 40 yards away. Other random thoughts: With the new positional awareness for attacking movement I feel like we'll need better defensive tools or at least a better understanding of what is available to have players be responsible for certain channels. Faced a 4-3-3 double mezzala with an IWB and IFB and DLF and could not stop them nor get on the ball. Man Marking pulls players out of position and positional marking seemed to have no effect. I don't expect it to be addressed this year but I hope it doesn't lead to some crazy OP tactics that don't look bad but take advantage of poor defensive awareness or tactical limitations. Wish there was more context on duels. Seems like a lot of players will just give up the ball while trying to dribble. I'm sure its hard to show in 3D but the text would be nice if it said there was a tackle or a poor touch or something. Jumping reach/heading appear to have an outsized importanace (at least in premier league) on the game. Would like to see more hoofs/clearances make it over the top of defenders and have them at least have to chase things down.
  16. I'm creating FM23 save starts with different parameters/leagues loaded/mods for this very thing. Convert to 24 upon release and then convert to 25 when that happens.
  17. Absolutely. It went from a I'll play around December on gamepass after the first major patch and buy when its on sale for posterity sake to buy Day 1. Completely booted Cities: Skylines II off the top spot for me. I hope my family doesn't mind that I've gone missing.
  18. Yeah hope so. I was pretty down on the game back in the spring. the new features have me super excited. More than I thought I'd be after the Unity announcement. Hopefully only one more week of waiting for the beta.
  19. It could happen if he's at his PA limit. The game really should put left and right foot abilities for the technical attributes to level the playing field. I know from a researcher's point of view that's impossible. But the game does impute the values somehow. I think that would be fine even if formulaic. I think the rationale though is if he's spending time on his weaker foot and is at his limit then something else must be getting neglected so the points have to be taken from somewhere else. Realistically though it should be very, very hard to train your weaker foot after a certain age like 18+. Not sure how many players came up with only being able to use one and then became nearly equally two footed. I don't think it should take CA points cause it can wreak havoc on a player's attributes if they're at their PA limit.
  20. Makes sense then yeah. I kind of wish (not to confuse this with a tired debate) that players would "look" the part of a PL caliber player if they've had success. Clearly a guy with 10 in 18 would be in much more demand. Game can't be perfect though. Guessing this was a youth only save?
  21. yep that's the one I remember. Again can't confirm 100% cause it was 20 years ago now and lost contact with a lot of my old teammates over the years. Small world. You're probably the only person I've talked to who has gotten the reference. Maybe its bigger in Detroit.
  22. funny story I'm not local to detroit but had an old trainer from the detroit area (played college at Valpo and played pro indoor/outdoor) and one of his childhood friends came to our practice one day doing all sorts of unusual things for a practice session. At the end of the practice he gave us all t-shirts that said wazaflo(w?) on them. I have no idea if its associated or not b/c this would have been around 2001/02/03. Anyway it just stuck with me. Especially after Wayne Rooney. So the name is a bit of a portmanteau of that and Rooney. I'm looking at the picture of the owner of the team.. seems like that could be the guy. Hair wasn't as long but definitely kind of the vibe/style I remember. Edit: Looking at the logo much more closely now. the color scheme was different more baby blue from what i remember and no dragons behind it. But the ball as the center of the flower/ellipse thing was definitely something i remember.
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