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Everything posted by KillYourIdols

  1. I really want to get cracking on a league 2 save, but not sure just yet due to reports on issues with players technical stats and anything else that might arise. Currently sinking bottles of Sol watching the Arsenal game, so will be hammered about 10pm and probably throw caution to the wind and just do it . Edit: 16:01, yes I will now definitely be hammered.
  2. I tried that and it didn't seem to work, so I assumed it was only relevant for that skin. I assume it SHOULD have worked then?
  3. Does anyone have a link to how to make the background transparent so we can use background packs at all please?
  4. Have you ticked"Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences" and unticked " Use caching to decrease page loading time" and clicked " Reload skin"
  5. Outgoing Loans seem borked, or at least odd. Rennes offered a 20K monthly fee, 20k Non playing monthy fee, 40% of Wages, 7.5 Million Manditory Clause and another 3 Million in Installments. I negotiate an additional 10% of wages (about 5 Grand per week) and their Counter offer dropped to Something like 10K monthy, 20 % of wages as well as a reduced Upfront fee and Installments. Like, TOTALLY in the other direction, nearly 3 million less then their original offer for the sake of ~£240000 I get "Negotiating" but they totally seemed to go on one. Just refuse the additional 10%? Accept the 10% and try a cheeky 1 million off the Future fee? Oh and the "Undo" button doesnt seem to work?
  6. I dont disbelieve you've put a lot of work in, I just beleve crediting people that the Skin is based on is Important Glad to see you've added it.
  7. Looks like OPZ Elite. More than happy to use this assuming Credits given where Due.
  8. Yeah, Could be. I Use Last 20 games form as it fills it nicely Personally I would like the new "Per 90 Mins" stats there, but its not my Skin and I have no idea where to Start
  9. Downloaded this last night, Thank you, works a treat. But I also Echo @hrmantovani above. The larger, central panel would be better suited, IMO, to Pros/Cons. Everything else looks a bit lost in a panel that size.
  10. Is there Reasoning behind this? Mine are working fine, and did so last year, Beta and Full release.
  11. Is this the right place for certain player stats? Personally I feel Odegaards 8 for leadership is quite low, bearing in mind he is Captain and , by all accounts, a very smart, well respected member of the squad.
  12. Thanks chaps. Probably unrelated, but I rebooted fully as I had a Windows update and now downloaded
  13. Tried 3-4 times. Does it depend where you got the beta from as to when it's live? I used Fanatical FWIW
  14. I've muted him. Might ummute IDK. All this maths and Data Analysis and I miss the important parts ffs Ps. Love you @gunner86
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