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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. youre missing some files, i know it's quite obviously. But you both have to look into the main panel file and look for what files your missing.
  2. yeah i'm the same, seeing something and trying to change/improve it to my own liking or simply taking on things that others havnt been able to make work and then making it work. Guess we all have our strength and weakness (mine is being old and stuborn)
  3. try this, you can add to it as you like competition overview panel.xml
  4. You guys are so creative, i wish my creativity was on the same level, guess old age ate my creativity *sobs* edit typo
  5. it is exactly like the base skin, ofc beside the background picture.
  6. Thats why we have this forum. to be able to learn and seek help to make a skin for public release or personal use.. Just download the Base skin from the 1st post on the forum and start creating.
  7. Thanks for the input, i'll give it a go and if all fails. I'll probably just use the tablet like Keysi Suggested
  8. the width="342" control the panels inside the left box. i hoped it would be that easy. but i've tried on a few ppl's laptop and it seems to be a issue with "small" laptops. i can only set my resolution to 1366x768 and see how things work, but it's not 100% accurate compared to a laptop
  9. you're first picture, you wanted the national flag without the name after, you can either replace the current line or just add the label_disabled="true" after the current line
  10. i believe there is a instant result skin on fmscout, take a look in that, maybe you can just move the parts over
  11. thats not a bad shout tbh.. didnt think of that
  12. <record id="port" auto_hide_priority="1" /><!-- player pic --> team squad tactics panel team squad
  13. i've been trying to fiddle with a laptop version and now my left panel does this. i've tried changing my rolution to 1366x768 and here it looks fine, but a bud of mine sees it this way. does anyone have any idea's Note to self: never say yes to make a laptop skin when you don't have a laptop and can test stuff as you change things
  14. the 1 is <colour name="bg tertiary" value="pick your colour"/> in your settings file the 2nd - try and look here, maybe you can find the answer.
  15. Thanks for you input, i'll take a look again and see if i can sort it... else i'll have to shelve it for now
  16. But to answer your queston there are a few ways to do this. 1) build it yourself 2) borrow it from a skin where it already is the file is "match/match preview lineups panel.xml"
  17. Please stop posting the same screens in every post. it's not getting you any closer to help, rather the opposit
  18. i use the default, so it's not in my skin. but if you look in the folder news_item_panels and if you see the above file, just rename it. put a _copy after the name, before the .xml clear the cache and reload the skin and it will grab the defaulty page from the game and not the skin
  19. Hey Guys i'm having a brain malfunction and simply can't figure this one out today i'm trying to make a selection box here But i seem to only be able to have this in the above red box What is it i'm not seeing and is missing, the ↓ is not active anyone have any idea's Thanks
  20. inbox content with team mentoring panel sry didnt see it was a mail at first
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