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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. Hello. we don't have logo, face or other kind of packs, so you might need to ask places where they have such things
  2. try it with the default skin and you'll answer your question faster then waiting.
  3. try and untick "used caching for faster loading" in preferences then clear the cache, lower left corner "reset" then reload the skin and restart FM
  4. remove the code from either both feet or 1 of the sides and see if you'r'e editing the right file or if the game picks up the file your editing
  5. have you unticked "used caching for faster loading" ?
  6. it's easier if you just try it and see what happends But it looks correct
  7. half of the code is for left foot and the other half is for right foot.
  8. have you tried adding a flag pack ? i can't remember if there is a speciel ID to use, try and look here for the code to add city pictures
  9. I provided the code you have to use for either foot and you deside to only use some of it, go back to the code i provided for you and take a look at it, then you'll notive which part shows the colour change
  10. <colour name="low attribute" value="fg alpha"/> <colour name="normal attribute" value="fg"/> <colour name="good attribute" value="fg range13" /> <colour name="excellent attribute" value="fg range20" /> you can add this to the settings file, and change the values to the colours you want, either as names or as rgb values but even if you do this, changing the colours in the preferences should still work and take effect unless ofc that the whole attribute panel has been custom made and not used the default
  11. try and untick "used caching for fasterloading" and tick reload skin on changes then clear the cache - and reload the skin
  12. if you don't have the file in your skin, then it's being grabbed from the default game location and you would need to extract it if you want to edit it.
  13. if the client object browser is all you've edited. then try and untick used caching for faster loading in the preferences clear the cache, lower left corner "reset" then reload the skin and restart the game and see if things have changed
  14. you're welcome if you don't have line numbers in your editor, get notepad++ it's free
  15. works fine when i remove it.. this is the part you need to remove.. as said line 64 to 72 <!-- BOTTOM --> <container class="tcs_box" default_height="-1" minimum_height="40" priority="2"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true"/> <container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="seoB" file="player/player overview bottom selector panel" minimum_width="310" default_width="-1" priority="3" save_session_state="true" dont_set_embedded_title="true"> </container> </container>
  16. line 64 to 72 in the player overview panel should remove the marked panel
  17. The way the page has been build, you should be able to remove the marked panel, but you can only make the season stats panel bigger by either remaking the whole page to give the season stats a new room to fill (except the top) or by removing the squad comparison and make the role and duty shorter as the 3 bottom panels would have to be higher so the season stats have more room the last would probably make the bottom part lok funny as panels have been made to fit this way line 64 to 72 in the player overview panel should remove the marked panel
  18. Scoreboards isnt my strong side. it could be a missing colour in the settings "ucl gradient" - but i'm not sure you might have to wait and hope someone else can help, sorry
  19. The fastest way as said, is to take a look at a skin where it is as you like it and see how they have done it and then do the same in your skin. the code i posted is the one you want to replace your old code with.
  20. if you don't have the pictures, you can either use the default once, that is located here -> icons/custom/footed (left and right) you just link to them or you can extract them from the default game files and add them to your skin, they are located here sitoolkit\skins\fm-widgets\graphics\icons\custom\footed
  21. i added the code the file="" is where you've placed the boot picture - mine is "icons/custom/footed/right" <widget class="value_based_picture" file="icons/custom/footed/right" image_alignment="right,bottom" height="35" width="35">
  22. yes it's possible, you can change the way the footness is shown by using "value_based_picture" <!-- Foot Labels --> <container class="main_subtle_box" appearance="FME/alternate/paper"> <attachment class="vertical_arrange_autosize" vertical_gap="0"/> <!-- Left Foot --> <container height="36"> <attachment class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="-1,36" horizontal_gap="0"/> <!-- Label & Value --> <container> <attachment class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-1,-1" vertical_gap="0"/> <!-- Label --> <widget class="label" font="title" colour="accent" alignment="left,bottom"> <translation id="text" translation_id="230000" type="use" value="Left Foot"/> </widget> <!-- Value --> <widget class="footedness_label" format="[%string#1]" alignment="left,top"> <record id="object_property" get_property="PlfG"/> </widget> </container> <!-- Icon --> <widget class="value_based_picture" file="icons/custom/footed/left" image_alignment="right,bottom" height="35" width="35"> <list id="value_list"> <record min_value="1" max_value="4" red_replacement="bg range1"/> <record min_value="5" max_value="8" red_replacement="bg range4"/> <record min_value="9" max_value="11" red_replacement="bg range8"/> <record min_value="12" max_value="14" red_replacement="bg range12"/> <record min_value="15" max_value="17" red_replacement="bg range16"/> <record min_value="18" max_value="20" red_replacement="bg range20"/> </list> <record id="object_property" get_property="PlfG"/> </widget> </container> <!-- Right Foot --> <container height="36"> <attachment class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="-1,36" horizontal_gap="0"/> <!-- Label & Value --> <container> <attachment class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-1,-1" vertical_gap="0"/> <!-- Label --> <widget class="label" font="title" colour="accent" alignment="left,bottom"> <translation id="text" translation_id="230001" type="use" value="Right Foot" /> </widget> <!-- Value --> <widget class="footedness_label" format="[%string#1]" alignment="left,top"> <record id="object_property" get_property="PrfG"/> </widget> </container> <!-- Icon --> <widget class="value_based_picture" file="icons/custom/footed/right" image_alignment="right,bottom" height="35" width="35"> <list id="value_list"> <record min_value="1" max_value="4" red_replacement="bg range1"/> <record min_value="5" max_value="8" red_replacement="bg range4"/> <record min_value="9" max_value="11" red_replacement="bg range8"/> <record min_value="12" max_value="14" red_replacement="bg range12"/> <record min_value="15" max_value="17" red_replacement="bg range16"/> <record min_value="18" max_value="20" red_replacement="bg range20"/> </list> <record id="object_property" get_property="PrfG"/> </widget> </container> </container> But the easy way is to either ask the creator of the skin you've looked at and ask if you can just use that code but faster and easier by looking at a skin that already has it like you want it and then either copy the code or use it as inspiration. edit. changed to code to the correct one.
  23. from what i know, it does not have values, but circles instead i can't remember if there is a MOD to make it values,
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