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Everything posted by themodelcitizen

  1. Wow, nicely done! Might go through and edit some of the numbers. I believe my file has a few media sources, and obviously flags etc are done. Histories have also been corrected (no Olympic medals etc). I think the people I added were mostly for the namepool and won't require faces or anything. Currency is an interesting one, although I wonder if game start date (so July 1 or whatever if you're playing in England) is a more realistic date to get the exchange from
  2. Without looking in-game, and just checking the continental file, looks like CanChamp still has no L1BC team and the non-geographical draw. Is there anything wrong with the NACL/Leagues Cup etc that needs a rebuild? You can access CanChamp etc without touching any of the other rules EDIT: more random notes as I come across them, feel free to tell me to pipe it. League1BC is missing a team For L1O we used a stage name for Premiership in 2024 onward, so it wasn't (inaccurately) called the Premiership in 2023. Could do the same thing with the L1A "exhibition series" or whatever they called it this year. Likely just personal preference there This is just picky now but the offset dates Saints added are a nice touch (they came over with L1O in the copy and paste but not the others). Adds variation so every game isn't at Saturday 3 PM or Wednesday 8 PM - title/playoff race is more immersive as teams follows each other's results and media ask you about it Re: U21s/U19s for youth development, it would be awesome to utilize the default reserve structure in a way so that L1OP teams would get invited to field teams in those divisions when they get promoted (like in England). At least for U21s. I might toy around with that one weekend
  3. @Wolf_pd @Yuko I think he wants an extra roster slot (or more) strictly for Oceanian players. Not EU players. He just wants to use the "non-EU" rule which doesn't have to mean EU (in my Qatar file last year the non-EU rule applies to Arab countries). In previous versions (guessing it hasn't been fixed) this was broken with "agreements", are you sure it works for continents? (other than the already-available rules for Asian players). Hence my elaborate workaround in the Qatar file using a spare extinct country to make it work Also broken if you actually want to use the EU but aren't using an EU country yourself (hence another elaborate workaround in San Marino last year)
  4. Known issue. You can't actually use the non-EU rule (maybe in an already hard-coded EU country?)
  5. That's great, I added them last year but it had to be an external club or the age order looked weird as hell. They have the same coach as the national U21 manager, ideally we could somehow link those jobs. For adding youth teams, there might be boxes in various places in the San Marino nation rules as well as each club to try and prevent them forming U18s. The other stuff probably depends on the Italian nation rules. And the random grounds thing shouldn't factor into stadium planning. Come to think of it, if you took out that list of stadia then Stadium 0 would just be the biggest (and Stadium 6 the seventh biggest), so as teams build new grounds, they would take their place in the list. But yes, my specifying a stadium there will mean they play 2 games there every time those rules are used. One thing I'd love to implement is Champions League money being split 15 ways amongst all clubs like IRL. Don't think they ever added that option. And the non-EU rule is an absolute pain, hence why no one else has done it, but that's the difference you get with TMC files But yeah feel free to message me, I had a lot of fun on that file so as you can tell I don't mind sharing details
  6. Traditionally it was only the next tier down after the last playable one. Impressive if they've worked on that (although maybe the fall-out has something to do with all the editor problems going on elsewhere). In England do they have the further tiers down set in the rules but just inactive?
  7. It's their affiliation with Right to Dream Academy (reflected in-game) (check out their HOYD's stats btw). Not sure which boxes exactly influence the newgen intake, I'm guessing "youth players training" (I think the affiliation in-game specifically says something like this about the youth intake?) and possibly "scouting knowledge shared" Just re-read the OP, realized my mistake. Some affiliations appear to have hard-coded aspects. I wonder if Ghana's youth rating vs Congo plays a role here
  8. Non-EU has been glitched for a while, AFAIK it will count Sammarinese as non-EU to itself even if it's set as EU to itself, or included in the agreement. If that's still the case in FM24 (test first), then it's an elaborate workaround. Long story short you have to add a new nationality, "Sammarinese (jure soli)" or something using an extinct nation like Ireland (pre-1922). This won't actually call up players or affect anything if you don't give it a continent. Give this second nationality to every Sammarinese person as a second nationality (it won't actually be visible if you go to the real San Marino and check "does not allow dual nationality" which is accurate IRL). Also take an unused region (I think there's an unused Austrian one in there with [ext] in its name), change its name (San Marino is fine), and set this region to the new nation (that you've created). Take every Sammarinese city and put them in the new region (don't think they have one by default). Check my thread (and file) from FM23 for the process as it unfolded. Only fully realistic Sammarinese DB as it was the only one to do that stuff out of the dozens out there (ever, AFAIK) Have they added the Academy U23s into the league this year? That was hard to get working too. For the different home ground every week like IRL you'll need to do this: Top screenshot, every team gets an entry for every stadium. I went with 2 games per stadium because there were 15 home games I think, so 7 stadia with 2 games each then it would default to their actual home ground for the extra game which is fine. In the second screenshot, stadium at the top is stadium 0, next one is stadium 1, all the way to stadium 6
  9. Shout out to @krlenjushka as well, great suggestions in that Palman thread about the dynamic spots. Do those unused third place teams still get "continental competition" in their screen or anything
  10. I think the game would have to treat it as a new division being added, not a new one being inserted, although I realize that won't work with the names of the competitions looking right
  11. Some of those "affiliations" are barely worth the link IMO, at least beyond good relations. Not sure about the specifics in this case - maybe they do send kids over to train? - but I swear half of these "Chelsea USA" or "AZ Arsenal" type things are little more than a licensing agreement and coaching manuals. Maybe send a couple of coaches over in the summer for a working holiday
  12. One thing I've done is use a team pool, and every entry in the team pool is told to get a seeding a specific way, and then the "team pool" entry itself (in the larger list of teams) is set to sort by seeding (ascending). Not always reliable though and it looks like you've got a solid set-up, I always gave up on trying to make things dynamic so well done. You could make domestic tables just show a ghost qualification, at least for the champion. Like add a fate action or top playoff rule or something telling it that's qualified for the Carib. Cup, even if that's never used anywhere (and then check "clear qualified teams" in the Carib. Cup so you can take full control like you have now). Then they'll at least get the news item/Board priority of qualifying maybe? And a "rule" in the league page saying winner qualifies for Carib. Shield. I mean technically it is only 1 guaranteed spot, as the reputations probably reset every year before those are sorted so you wouldn't actually know for sure how many spots your league is getting if you're on the bubble, it's not 1 year in advance like the UEFA coefficients from what I can guess. That file calls the default 27 CCL teams, but includes the CCL in order to cancel the knockouts (too many games). If you ran a file with just the Carib. tournaments (no CCL) then as long as they produce teams the same way it would work fine (I think by default the Carib. winner qualifies for CCL with a seeding of 0 and the other two teams get a different seeding). Otherwise my stuff is compatible by default
  13. If someone's playing in their domestic league that would be an issue for sure. Without knowing how those domestic cups draw teams, the only way for sure would be to have German and Spanish rules set up that redo the cups to exclude them. You could try changing their "nation" or "based nation" and see if it helps but that could be a lot of work for nothing
  14. Regional divisions are messed up this year, from what I understand leagues and cups aren't consistently pulling the right teams. My US file might be immune so far because there's no pro/rel so no reshuffling of teams every year. Their San Marino file usually lacks some key details like the non-EU rule and teams playing at a different "home" stadium every week, I might knock one up eventually
  15. Ahhh yeah I realized after. Nice work with the effectively dynamic places. I wonder if there's a way to do that with team pools in qualified teams, so that the worst third place teams don't think they've qualified when they actually haven't, but that's just opening another can of worms
  16. I wonder if putting them in an inactive league further down the pyramid would help
  17. Re: the Carib Shield, since it's using "get qualified teams" does it need a league to be active in order to get that team? I wonder if "get best teams from vision" would work similarly? Then you can rank by last position and avoid the need for hidden stages. But more importantly the rankings are glitched and that's why you need that "add history record" entry (usually a sign of problems elsewhere), in the competition's overall "ranking level info" I don't think you need an entry for the semifinals. Normally you'd put "2" here, not "4", because only 2 teams are ending their competition and being assigned a ranking here (the other two teams being accounted for with the two entries for the finalists), but since you've got the third place game and those two relevant entries just above the semifinal entry, it's getting confused and trying to hand out different ranking to the same team. Drop that semifinal line completely (or both third place entries)
  18. What does "sort rule to sort teams in position by" do? Is that supposed to be for if 3+ teams are tied you only want the top 2? Try changing that "do not sort" maybe? FYI not sure quite what he means here by leaving it unticked and still activating the settings, this was on an older version:
  19. Sounds like a competition isn't finishing or handing out rankings in time for season update day. Besides reviewing every date, it may be an issue of the teams that still play in their domestic cups getting too many fixtures and being unable to finish (not just by the season update day but by the last "month" of the top division)
  20. Is it setting up after they've all finished? Also, that "set team placing in competition" should be redundant btw, if it's not crowing a champion/history entry without that, there's probably an issue with rankings somewhere. The qualifying fate action will show in the lower competition's "rules" but isn't actually being used in the main cup, because you're using "best teams in comp" instead of "get qualified teams". But it seems to function the same way. I'd get rid of that 1 and 0, are those stages or placings or something in the lower cups? Since it's not a league any reference to position may just confuse it. Does "get last winner" work? If not, something else is wrong
  21. When you first load up NZ is there anything under league settings/continental cup rules? Just curious. I can take a deeper look at the file this weekend. For that "straight" fixtures to work perfectly I'd imagine you'd have to avoid all clashes, so "check for clashes" with "none" under schedule, and under fixture rules check the box to play through international matchdays and make sure it's unchecked to stop for international finals. Even then if they're playing OFC or CWC it will probably bump it due to higher priority so you may have to test it to see what dates are actually free and use those Also what was the alternate structure? (summary) might be saveable with having a fate action to qualify the top two teams to the O-League
  22. I took a look at the file, but there's so much going on, IMO you'll have to describe the set-up and what you're trying to do a bit better so someone can help. I'm not familiar with the NZ setup, from your post I assumed National League was a parent comp but it's not set as such and there aren't any child comps. Are those Southern League type tournaments groups somewhere? Stages? Comps? I'm happy to help but it should be apparent I don't have time to deep-dive into someone's complex file and figure out how everything works before diagnosing it, between here and random people messaging me on other platforms for help with their DBs I'd be doing that all day every day
  23. So ask away? How are you gonna learn if you just take other people's work and don't actually engage with any of the settings? Surely bringing in such a complex FM23 file will just result in glitches. Sounds like you want someone to make a similar file this year, why not have a go yourself?
  24. I made a 32-team version for FM23 because it wasn't there already. Please don't make changes to my work and repost it here, certainly not for a different version of the game. Not sure what's going on with the graphics, try the usual clearing cache etc... any chance there's an old config file somewhere overriding the instructions?
  25. Any chance you've got a bunch of high-priority fixtures in the early part of the season that are delaying European games?
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