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Everything posted by themodelcitizen

  1. Couple of doubles I've noticed in the USL Academy Leagues: Bellevue Rush 2000238064 Bellevue Rush 2000234366 VBR Star 2000237946 VBR Star 2000234363 Nova SA 2000238070 Nova SA 2000234369 In addition both Tampa Bay United 2000237949 and their U18 B Team are set to play in the USSL D2 - Southeast. Guessing the U18 B Team is meant to be in the USL Academy league or something (there's another club called Tampa Bay United that plays in the MLS Next). Also, Jamie Dimitroff 15047701 and D.J. Dean 20046909 were given the wrong Los Angeles as their birthplace.
  2. It's 5 division winners, and then the next 3 best teams in an overall table. So hypothetically one of those best 3 teams could even be 2nd in the overall table. But it's easy enough to get those next best 3 teams with "max teams in overall list", I just want the game to know there are backup spots waiting... i.e. the media and chairman won't think you missed the spot and then you magically end up in the playoffs. I swear I had something like this working in FM18 but the file was on a long-deceased laptop... I vaguely remember copying a default setup somewhere but can't think of what
  3. Anyone have thoughts on accounting for the USL2 divisions that don't get newgens? IIRC South Central, Metro, Valley, Deep North, Lone Star, and Chesapeake don't get players every year as part of the academy -> USL2 -> MLS draft pipeline that's hard-coded into the game (and they don't get players at game start): EDIT: Average points table added to USL2. Some divisions play 12 games, some the classic 14, just like IRL, and the overall table/conference standings are sorted by average points first. USL2 playoff hosting is ALMOST working - I've just got the conference quarterfinals played at one site instead of two. Still brainstorming a way to have the second seed host their 4-team bracket. For anyone who does well here and wants to transfer their skills to the real world... fourth division champs Ballard FC are hiring a head coach
  4. Some nations do appear to have a blank namelist and it can be manipulated by adding 100+ people (including 85+ year old referees). Andorra is not one, they likely have their namelist hard-coded to account for the Catalan influence. One of the extinct nations with the otherwise blank namelist might work for moving all the Basque stuff over
  5. If you take a look at default comps to get an idea how it works, most have "base year for dates" set to 2000 (this is for scheduling, so that you can apply the same schedule to different years). Then under "requirements", this corresponds to the in-game year, so "year" can be 2023 and "year interval" can be 4 (if it's 4 years, say). Then it will run 2023, 2027, etc. In the competition rules, use 2000 for dates like setup date, fixture dates, etc (because that's the base year for dates), and that will apply each year it's run
  6. You could do a "get random teams from team pool" with maximum teams set (or maximum overall teams in list, if there's a possibility of overlap) and include teams from both. Maybe 2 from Melanesia, 1 from Polynesia so the advantage is reflected in the odds. But at least they have a chance!
  7. Wow, this is brilliant. Nice touch especially using the RGB from Photoshop. FYI it looks like the CONCACAF CC branding will be pretty dark with lots of white, black, and navy blue. But maybe you went with some of the choices by design. Anyway keep up the great work
  8. I swear I've hit it everywhere, lol, including the upper divisions that have settings like "B teams can be promoted into lower division". I wonder if it's an issue with the fact that no teams are actually promoted so it doesn't have a rule to check (and goes to the default output which is no reserve teams). Really intuitive stuff as usual EDIT: I'm using the club logos from the TCM logopack (no connection to me despite a similar abbreviation!) - so many US lower league logos! I'll add some of the missing ones to my graphics pack so it can run alongside it, although when there's so many official ones you barely notice the odd game-generated badge.
  9. You could use "get last winner" for the Canadian Championship and let Canada qualify an additional team through the CanPL (with runner-up as backup) and it wouldn't need the fix (plus CanPL gets their guaranteed spot). Obviously doesn't allow for dynamic places but the CanChamp is kind of contemplated as a way to pick a one-off team for continental tournaments anyway
  10. Might do something like that eventually, but @Dallan's Worldwide CL is even more impressive tbh. They have a similar schedule and even more extensive structure. The only thing we really differed in was keeping the other CLs alive as a way to serve as early qualifying and to rank teams from that continent/hand out continent-specific prize money. I never dealt with the coefficient fall-out from that but if so it would be nice as you'd get to keep the visual ACL and UCL coefficients on their pages
  11. That looks great! I wouldn't worry about professional quality, not like anyone else is out there making graphics for Island Games nations. And yeah, the extinct nations seem to be for history entries only in some cases, which feels like a waste. Although some of the dead nations might actually do some hard-coded stuff (UK and GB for sure, Crimea maybe)
  12. That's great! I meant to refer to the squad registration periods, not squad selection deadline dates. Might be redundant entry in there now but it works. And you can link the up the registration windows to the transfer windows with even more precision by checking that "add squad registration dates ranges for transfer windows" and specifying the division level. Also under transfer windows you'll have to check the box for "use for squad registration" or whatever it is. Then the news items and Board behaviour re: transfers and registration will look even better
  13. They use the same set of fixtures so they end at the same time I can pull the teams I want using "get league stage teams" or whatever, I just want the game to know that teams are getting a backup qualifying spot even if they missed out in one of the visible competitions. How would the latter method work? Teams "qualify" from the visible stages and also from the hidden stage?
  14. I believe @xbenjaminx has some kits made for these nations... post 'em up if so!! I can edit the config file so they work with the unique IDs here if they're not already set up that way
  15. Set a squad registration rule that they can't have any over-18 players. Then try the squad registration deadline rule that's something like "unregistered players are waived" (might have to look at MLS to see how they do it). I'm not sure if that setting actually works mind you Are you using the old Academy Leagues as the unique ID for the high school divisions BTW? Then the active USL2 divisions (not Chesapeake and the other ones that don't get newgens) as the NCAA divisions? IIRC the hard-coded US newgen movement works something like that
  16. We have lift-off in USL2... I'll post a new version shortly and will keep working on more details like awards, stadia assignments (@Gum is helping with this stuff in impressive detail), club rivalries, derbies, favoured personnel, etc. Does ANYONE know how to get rid of that annoying "[B team] cannot be promoted" red text that comes up at the bottom of the league table for any (closed) lower league that includes a 'B' team? Obviously no one can get promoted, but it keeps showing up. I've changed all the promotion/relegation settings in USL2 and the upper tiers to allow for B teams to be promoted (if anyone could at least), and set the "promotion" spots in league settings to 0, but it still thinks it's important to let the user know that none of the reserve teams can be promoted (EDIT: fixed) Anyone who comes up with a workable fix will get credit. In USLC I had to change Loudoun's affiliation with DCU from "B" to "feeder" (which works better anyway) to lose it, but for the USL2 divisions with reserve/U23 teams it's not feasible. It's just visually annoying and slightly immersion-breaking.
  17. Stadium placement (with coordinates set) is more important than the actual location of the club when it comes to using options like "get best teams in local region", so it wouldn't surprise me if it was also the primary variable for assigning teams to regional divisions (when using local regions, coordinates, city boundaries etc)
  18. I think I tried that at one point and had the same issue. It seems like the stage that's relegating teams does need to be the one generating fixtures, or at least have some other indication to the game that it's the main stage, and simply being stage 0 isn't enough IIRC... I also tried setting "relegated teams" to 0 in the other stage ("max" set to 9) but that just confused it more
  19. Ahhh yeah that's the issue I was having, was hoping your file had another way around it I just couldn't see. Blast it! Oh well, still works fine and only lasts a season. @SaintsCanada Under the group stage you can add "individual group settings" - these can all be blank except for adding a "competition" or "stage name" which will affect the group names. Under "group settings" you should also have "no names" set (so they're overridden by your stage names) which I'm guessing is the case already based on them showing as blank. And yeah that "league table" is the default for any un-named league stage that's part of a bigger tournament. Sometimes I'll change the stage name "league table" to be "standings" or something which looks cleaner. "Relegation stage" is the perfect name but as mastermind noted, having anything but this as the main stage seems to cause issues with relegation. I wonder if we could relegate teams in this stage and assign the fate back to the main stage somehow, but that's beyond me EDIT: even simpler (yeah right)... ANOTHER hidden stage could generate the 20 fixtures that are then sent to the main stage and the relegation stage... then I think they would just show up as "match 1" etc. Not really a priority right now mind you
  20. I think they had the CanChamp in continental rules (which you can get at and edit) so it shows up under both US and Canada's nation rules (and so if US isn't loaded, it's still producing a continental qualifier, at least in the background). This also allow people to run a custom Canada file. The default version has incorrect format and qualifiers anyway so editing the rules is a good excuse to tidy it up DB looks great. Do the other CLs all run? Fixture congestion must be an issue if you have an active league? Last year I had a file where the FIFA CL basically replaced the UCL schedule and most of the continental tournaments didn't draw a group stage, just used results from the FCL. Just needed to play with it a bit to get the coefficients for Europe and Asia to come from the FCL instead
  21. Probably something you dealt with already but while editing Canada I think @SaintsCanada noticed that some of the regional comps actually work when all the teams are added to the competition's "registered teams" as well as the other layers this editor seems to need (like "next division"/"regional division" set for all clubs and "child competition" settings set for all comps)
  22. @magicmastermind124 Having the results generated in the main stage and then sent to the relegation stage would work better for team's fixture lists in the first season wouldn't it? So their fixture list doesn't show "L1O Relegation Stage"? Or did say you got around that by having no stage name in the relegation stage and just calling the main stage "regular season"
  23. Anyone mastered the settings for assigning qualifying spots in a league/group, but getting the game to skip over teams who have already qualified from another stage (that runs concurrently?) Is that possible? "Skip teams with fate" is there, and I imagine I have to assign a league fate from the other stage that they're qualifying from, but just can't seem to figure it out...
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