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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. I will take a look tonight. At work, so I can't check it now.
  2. The reverse would make more sense indeed, unless level 4 is already professional or semiprofessional?
  3. I think we should all wait for Dave to finish his files. Verifying for your own enjoyment is no issue. Uploading in here is not appreciated.
  4. In fact it does, the Mac issue only turned up on FM22. So it affects both versions of the editor for 22 and 23, while for 21 there wasn't an issue, so that can start without issue. It might be that 22 and 23 both need a certain item to start and in case one is already started it doesn't allow for the other editor to use that resource. Since the 21 editor doesn't need that resource, but can start,
  5. It is a Mac-related issue, possibly related also to the problem with starting the editor (the post by Metal Guitarist that's pinned).
  6. Thanks, will use that as base from here on. Edit: And the namechange has been processed!
  7. Yes, when North America is finished I will create a new map for the complete area.
  8. Yesterday I got a question from a user with regards to which methods to use to fill the history for his competitions. As history is obvious a major component of the Historical Divergence Project (it's in the name ), I thought it would be an interesting piece to share. I have to add here that his historical setup has a lot more depth than the national histories I have written down, and depth is always a bonus. The question came down to whether to use the existing results and use a mathematical formule, or completely simulate each match in a fictitious way using weights, odds and a number generator. Below is my answer to that, as I had already been dabbling a bit into testing my methods. ================================================================================================================ That's a good question. I have been using several systems to determine those outcomes for both Iron Curtain and as a tryout for the Historical Divergence. I usually start with historical results as they give a sense of strength for each region. When the timelines change that is an issue though. So for a test on the Frisia nation I combined the Dutch, Belgian and French results (Belgian and French only the applicable areas) and used the Dutch competition style for the determination of the results. The Dutch competition played in separate districts until the 50s and with those Belgian and French areas added, that likely still would have been like that. Also, Belgium played in two separate districts for a while and the French area isn't that big, so using this worked out very well. When I was looking at Nahua, I ended up with a timegap of several decades between the start of competitive football in Mexico and my historical start. That's where I had to work out which tournament and tournament style bridges that gap. Added to that, I also needed to work out which teams bridge that gap. I am still working out the gap exactly, but I can make use of the history as well. My own Nahia history mentions that football tournaments were played where the Mexican war of independence wasn't going on and you would expect teams from the quieter regions to be stronger. To find those regions I can just take the historical account and map out the movements and activity according to that. In your cases, since your history has been worked out quite deeply already, I would say that it might have some impact on cities having more inhabitants which makes them possible stronger (more local talent) and you can give each team a weighted value based on variables (inhabitants, economics, area, etc) and use the number generator. It's an interesting idea actually. I am not sure I will need it (although I used a compensation factor in the Frisian history test to make for some more interesting outcomes, penalties and bonuses for teams). So while I have no straight answer for you, I think football history (if available) and regional history should be able to help, especially considering your more in depth approach. ================================================================================================================ Obviously this method is only going to work when you can reuse existing results. So resetting club football history both national and international will be easier than resetting the history for say the Copa America where there is suddenly an influx of nations that previously weren't there or where you have work out how to combine the Gold Cup (played each two years) and the Copa America (played eacher four years).
  9. This might be a Mac limitation. On Windows I regularly use FM22 and 23 and sometimes even a third version next to each other.
  10. North America (Central) comes up first in 22.0, What you can do is change the region of one nation and test the names that turns before and after the change. When working on Iron Curtain FM22 I added the region Northern Easter Europe to the Soviet Union as Ukraine, Russia and Lithuania are in there. It improved the namebase for the Soviet Union. Then I also moved Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan tot Northern Easter Europe in the hope that the namebases of those countries would be added to the Soviet Union name base. Instead...., the namebase of the former region of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia was added to the Soviet Union. This included obviously Georgian, Azeri and Armenian names, but also Italian, Spanish and Italian. So depending on what new names you are going to see you will know where they come from.
  11. Might be for namepooling reasons. Central America has its own reason, so it isn't that.
  12. Calling Ajax, Borussia and West Ham minor league teams is a bit of stretch.
  13. I have hidden the previous message. If you have any issues or thoughts about patreon, please discuss with the creator, if you feel the need, but not on this forum please.
  14. You have no competition level set for the fourth division. All active division should have that.
  15. I am quietly working on the Illinois Confederation when the Covid let's me, but I am somewhere between bed and brainfog, so there are delays on the route.
  16. While you can express your frustration, we ask you to keep your language clean. Anymore *s and we might have to take action on it.
  17. Added bonus, turns out I am allergic to a painkiller that I have used for many years (probably because my immune system is having a party anyway), so my eyes look I have been in a boxing match
  18. Hmm, need to think about this In other news, managed to pick up a new corona infection, so speed will go down for a while. Hopefully it will be light.
  19. No. Only way is to create them, join the club, keep them on the team and then use the in game editor to set you as favoured personnel.
  20. They should have second nationality Danish and first Greenlandic.
  21. SI probably won't use the bug tracker as their main bug tracking tool, so this shouldn't be a problem.
  22. I don't do commissions since I am working on my own projects. Also, the forum rules tell me payments are against the rules.
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