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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. The French word barrage can mean both a dam (as in a beaver dam) and playff-of games. Took a while before that penny dropped.
  2. Hi everyone, if you are looking for the guide for EDT, DDT and LNC files, it's temporarily unavailable while we do some maintenance on it. Just to be clear, the maintenance is unrelated to FM25. Just some general forum stuff. Should visible soon again. Wolf_pd
  3. Hiding has nothing to do with FM25. The guide has been hidden, while it is being maintained by us moderators. Should be available again soon. Should have posted a note. Sorry about that.
  4. TL;DR How the Great Powers played some false notes in the Concert of Europe Chapter 2 - The first five years of Europe after the Napoleonic Era After the Congress of Vienna and with Napoleon send to Saint Helena, Europe had returned to a serene rest. The Great Powers had come to a general agreement to maintain the balance of power, political boundaries, and spheres of influence. The Concert of Europe as it was known, was intended to stop wars from not happening or keep them small and local. You would expect the Great Powers to look out for their smaller counterparts, but no... As a certain English Lord would say some years later, power corrupts and absolute power is even more fun. Initially the four Great Powers (Austraia, Prussia and the United Kingdom) envisioned regular Congresses, similar to the one in Vienna, to resolve potential disputes. In reality the Congresses would be held whenever a conflict would start brewing. Generally speaking they were quite succesfull in preventing or keeping the conflicts localised. Russia, Prussia and Austria held a more conservative role in this meetings with the aim of keeping nationalism minimal and oppose revolutionary and liberal movements. Great Britain held more enlightened views on those subjects, but it has to be said that nationalism was not much of an issue for the Brits. Austria, Prussia and Russia were much more nationality and relgiiously diverse. In the case of Russia and Austria, there was also the Ottoman Empire on their doorstep to contend with. The first Congress held was that of Aix-la-Chapelle, or Aachen. Its purpose was to discuss the position of France as a possible fifth Great Power, decide whether to withdraw the occupations armies from France and from France's side to renegotiate the reparation payments. The four Great Powers still had a possible French resurgence on their mind. Prussia as a direct French neighbour was well aware of the French threat and silently preparing for a new conflict, but Great Britain had bigger troubles. With their navy stretched out over the globe, the situation could arise where Great Britain would not be able to enter mainland Europe and take on the French. The French delegation was aware of the British doubts and doubly aware of the Prussian ones. They knew they wouldn't be able to convince the Prussians. The Prussians would gain the northeastern regions of France anyway, so there was little love lost between the two nations. However, the French considered themselves able to turn the opinion of the Brits if necessary. France was quickly allowed back as the fifth great power, but the Assurances for that were constantly under during discussion under the Congress. France was also succesfull in renegotiating the reparation payments. It helped that it had paid the agreed amounts punctually up to the Aix-la-Chappelle Congress. In the renegotations the outstanding amount was lowered with almost 10%. As a form of appeasment towards the British the outstandign part would be paid via English banks. Then it was time to discuss the occupation of French. Austria (and on orders of Austria, Switzerland, Sardinia) and Russia had no issue to hand over their respective occupied territories, although the Russian soldiers were less than thrilled to leave the warm mediterranean climate! Bavaria (on advice from Prussia) was the first to move out of France to show the good intentions of the Great Powers and to hand back Paris to the French army. The Spanish occupation army left without issue as well, but for the local population the French army moving in felt more of an occupation force than the Spanish. Afterall, the local language of Occitanian was much closer to the Catalan and Aragonese spoken by the Spanish soldiers. The Spanish soldiers also never felt the need to harrass the locals and let them lead their lives, while the French felt the need to assert dominance and ensure the area would act French again. As decided during the Congress of Vienna, after occupation, Prussia would receive the north-eastern regions of France. While begrudgingly agreed to by France, it was the core of the French-Prussian and later French-German animosity. When it was the turn of Great Britain to handover occupied Normandy, they refused, citing the need for a mainland outpost. The French were unimpressed with the demand, but with the pressure of Prussia and Austria, and Russia agreeing for the sake of mainland unity, it relented. The occupation of Normandy would be re-evaluated after five years. The most notable conflict in these 5 years was the (second) Serbian uprising which was the second phase of the Serbian Revolution against the Ottoman Empire. Serbia previously freed itself from the Ottoman Empire between 1804 and 1813, but that news fell away against the actions of Napoleon and the French empire of course. The first Serbian uprising took place after Janissary commanders assassinated the Ottoman governor and ruled Belgrady with tyranny. Fearing that the Ottoman Sultan would use the Serbs against them, they assassinated many Serbian chiefs, resulting in the Serbs taking up the arms. Although the Russians did not want any nationalism inside their own borders, they did not have any issues with nationalism that would weaken another power, especially as (one of) the (many) Turko-Russian wars took place in the same period. Serbia gained independence, but when the Turko-Russian war ended, this also allowed the Ottomans regain the Serbian territory. In the two years between the first and second uprising, the Ottomans raised taxes, punished more Serbs with forced labour and in 1815 a new uprising erupted. Despite the Ottomans being able to give full attention to the uprising, the Serbs were able to carve out a Principality for themselves and after negotatiations the Ottomans acknowledged the Principality of Serbia as partially independent. Autonomous might be the better word. While the Ottoman would not hinder the Serbs until the Herzegovina uprisings, anti-Serbian feelings were felt by the Ottomans. Next we look at the first nation to go really independent from the Ottoman Empire.
  5. I think you have to post some screenshots as there is no file.
  6. Officially, noone knows. I would be very surprised if there is no editor for FM25 though (and I would wonder where I am going to moderate then ) With regard to your second question, that's a good one. That might depend on the changes to the data model that are needed to include women football and how they are build into the editor. I have no clue on that. I was able to import databases from FM20, 21, 22 and 23. No issue, although DB quality did help in some instances.
  7. The 4 year fixture calender (when you are including the World Cup) is gold.
  8. When I was working on the first version of the files, all International nation Competitions were in one file. The continental club competitions were already split up. When converting to advanced rules, fixing issues became quite a nightmare with that many competitions. I will admit that back then I wasn't that well versed in advanced rules and I had to work out a lot of things by myself. Covid brainfog wasn't a help either at that time. So I decided to split the file up per continent with a few exceptions for the world cup, olympic games and world youth championship. Looking at it, the split per continent is not per se necessary. Reason is that some regions (South America, Africa and Oceania) are quite simple, so could be added to another file without giving much headaches. The one thing you have to keep in mind though is how competitions are connected. As you might have noticed the U23 continental competitions are in the Olympic Games file, as they are both the continental championship and the qualifier for the Olympic Games. The same happens with the U19/U20 championships which are qualifiers for the World Youth Championship. And another example is that the Concacaf Nations Championship was a direct qualifier for the World Cup, which also means that there is no North American continental championship file. There are no compatibility issues. You have to cut up things in such a way that you are absolutely certain that is no connection to another file (exception being the extinct nation file but that's data). Otherwise you would have those compatibility issues. This also means there was a certain order I needed to get the files working. The world cup in default version takes teams from the African Cup of Nations and Asian Nations Cup, so I would always have to test those files together. That's why Europe, Oceania and South America were easiest. They don't have any interdependencies. So in short, the initial file was too big and would have been too complex to get working in advanced rules, but the cutting was also based on my at that time not entirely working foggy brain. As the concept worked, I kept it that way for the FM22 and 24 file. I have to add. I had a big spreadsheet with all information on the competitions, qualifiers, etc. That took about a month to set it up properly. When I had those advanced rules issues and had to split the files up I spend another month to see what was the best way to go.
  9. Thinking about player names and if I should translate them in some cases. Could be fun in the Netherlands where a lot of Belgian names might be added. Eden Hazard becomes Eden Gevaar, which yes, means Eden Danger
  10. You are asking existential questions there. But let me right something down for you this weekend.
  11. Hi @Craig_J from which editor database is this? If you downloaded it from the editors hideaway, please check in that specific thread. Otherwise can you open a thread in that part of the forum and upload the file there?
  12. Let me show you a funny screenshot. England as a nation isn't overrated. England has already been downgraded through the years. But you are not wrong, the clubs and competitions are overpowered and that has its effect on the game.
  13. Turkey wanted to appeal at CAS, but turns out bans of two matches or less or a ban of a month can't be appealed at CAS according to UEFA rules. So suspension is definitive.
  14. We have been trained to deal with a meltdown. We will use the Oprah method, you get a ban, you get a ban, EVERYBODY gets a ban!
  15. It was such a big feature in FM24 that if it would have been removed in FM25, it would have been mentioned. So FM24 to FM25 transfers are possible. Also, first thing I am going to try is to see if I can go from FM23 to FM24 to FM25
  16. Please count how much teams you add each round and how much you have in total. If you add 64 teams to round one and you have 64 teams in total in your competition, you do not need to add 32 teams to the second round, 16 to the third round, etc.
  17. Last day of my holiday today and tomorrow it is back to the daily grind of work. Which also means I am going to back on the project on Tuesday First some last checks on the Soviet data and then it is competition edit time in Czechoslovakia or Poland. Poland needs some work on playoffs while Czechoslovakia does have quite straight promotion and relegation, so would only need finishing touches and testing. With regard to beta testing and when this project is finished, as I have gotten some questions on it, it all has taken way too long (4000+ hours in the editor now for the project) and that's partly because I am a perfectionist and partly because it is just too big. That also means I am not sure we are finished before FM25 comes out. As FM24 files can be loaded in FM25 (Miles Jacobson did not mention it wouldn't be possible, so that's enough confirmation for me), I want to finish this project, hopefully this year. After that it will be the Historical Divergence, but that's just as much storytelling as it is editing and it does not have much of a deadline. However, I might start approaching people to help me out with specific files. This is also my way to get you in the credits as a creator and make it a bit more of a community project. Call it a thank you for the fact you stuck around and all the interest in the project.
  18. With FM25 approaching I worked on some test files to see what changes the editor in FM25 will accept and which ones will give errors and need to be fixed. I am fearing another round of second nationality errors and I would hope SI would have enough options for that by now.... Depending on what happens with that file in FM25 I have to decide how to edit players. There is some discussion between the voices in my head anyway, because as the player file would become very big, what's the best way to keep it small? Maybe an age split although that would mean edit it in one FM version and then load it up several FM version later to avoid having to redo the same changes every FM which is very time intensive. On the other hand, the player editing work is very good for the mind when you just want to shut down your brains for a bit. I looked at my gaming hours the last three weeks and it's next to nothing. Less than 30 hours in three weeks, where I have the editor going on average 6 hours a day normally
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