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Everything posted by Maviarab

  1. Yeah I would say this is very highly dependent on club/country. Germany seems far better than many countries for allowing non season ticket holders in (ie, book online, get a ticket at the gate etc) than say compared to the Premier League where if you're not a holder, good luck ever trying to get a ticket to a match. Also, domestic vs continetal games will be different too I imagine in terms of allocations. As for the increase, again, maybe dependent on how well you're doing, marketing etc. A real life example of this would be Boca, always been my dream to watch them at home, but given they have an 8 year (iirc) waiting list, with approx 25k fans on a 'reserve' list (which they pay for) in case a current season holder drops out...I think that dream will always stay as one (ezpecially as don't even live there either lol). And those numbers are increasing I believe. In Argentina! I can imagine it's even worse for a big european club.
  2. My money is still on the DoF and Sports Analyst's trips to the dodgy 'club' down Soho.
  3. You get this 'payment' at the end of the season. 100 million for 20th, 160 million for 1st place. It's a tiered payment. TV money, sponsorship etc etc, is usually paid throught the year. You don't get a lump sum at the start of the season. As for the parachute payments, it is 3 years iirc, also tiered and not culmative, so if you get promoted the season after after relegation then relegated again, that initial 3 years sticks from when the payments first started, they do not start again from fresh.
  4. No idea where you read that about wages, has zero to do with it. The WP is simply down to his reputation as a player and ultimately, international appearances (has to be something like 75% of last x amount of games. The only qualifier to exempt that requirement is if they are touted as being the next big thing and/or their rep, value and experience (decided by an FA panel upon request) overshadow the lack of international appearances. Ultimately this comes down to the home office (un the UK), nothing to do with the club.
  5. It's not a licensing issue, they could make some effort if they chose to, to at east make them similar enough but avoid any legal issues. They sinply don't, in fact, they are worse than they used to be. My only hope at this stage of FM's life is that with all the graphical and match engine changes required for adding the women's game, we'll actually get a brand new game completely, new ME and graphics. I'll not hold my breath though.
  6. Exactly this. Fix them, make them good, more expanded and realistic, or ditch them. Same with anything really, do it right or not at all because half-assed is worse than nothing at all.
  7. Would also say, you probably need to reduce stadium capacity by 10-20k (I don't actually know, may depend on club) regarding tickets for away supporters. All very well saying 60k stadium...but what is the allocation for away support? That needs deducting from thus obviously affecting how many seats are available for home support.
  8. Future installments come directly from your transfer budget. Signing on fee I'm not sure, never looked into it enough to care as I try to avoid them wherever possible.
  9. No idea mate.... https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/573160-dialogue-exchanges-are-childish/
  10. Spain has different work rules for youngsters compared to the UK. All perfectly realistic. The issue here is people not understanding/knowing real life rules and perhaps more importantly, it's terribly implemented within FM. If Fm gave more context, reasons as to why they refuse to talk to you, there would be far less confusion.
  11. Well worth it imo (I've done Lv 2)...if for nothing else it's actually informative and gives more insight. I'd love to do Level 3 from a personal POV (not with a view to getting a job) but just don't have the time to commit unfortunately. I recommend it, don't think you'd be disappointed.
  12. Level 1 – £150 Level 2 – £320 UEFA B – £720 UEFA A – £3000 As said before, unrealistic to 'start a save' with no experience. Level 1 takes a few hours and is online. Level 2 also requires no 'experience'. UEFA B does require to be involved somehow, but can be done voluntarily with your local side in your free time. Absolutely no excuse imo not to have the first 2 badges done if you are serious about it. Even the B is not exactly out of the realms of most people. Obviously, A onwards really requires to be actually employed in the industry and hopefully, have them pay for it. (The other issue,,,long-standing with FM is the badges/levels are also wrong lol...*shrugs*...we're suprised?)
  13. Especially in places you could never get to...like half way up buildings.
  14. Either or will work (loading players is less taxing on your system than playable leagues). The game tries to keep a population balance, if you have no players/leagues loaded from South America, there will be little useful youths coming from there.
  15. Easily got from the editor (pain in the ass) or easier from a utility like FMRTE.
  16. it doesn't affect your reputation...don't ask how know lol.
  17. Long standing issue. Any real manager worth their salt and who is determnied to work in management would pay for the first 3 courses themselves, less than a grand and the first couse is free and online. This is why I never, ever start with no experience because, it's just not realistic. The fact you still can't do this (or even get a national team to pay it for you in doing an international save) is just beyond stupiud at this point. As for dialogues, refer you back to a recent thread regarding player/staff interactions.
  18. Again, not saying there is not a problem as there is somewhat, but the vast majority of players never reach that level. Good level yes, top class? No. So again, what exactly are you expecting? Remember (again) there's 10x more champ level players (and probably 250x below) than there are 'top level'...
  19. I'd also add, while there is a known issue, exactly how many world class/elite/16/17yo's ready for the first team do you expect to see? Hate to say it (and I agree there is an issue) but there really isn't that many in real life either. On another side note (and yes this has been discussed to death already), with modern fitness etc etcm, top elite players actually are playing longer than they used to say 30 years ago. delicate balance for Si to resolve in terms of realism and gameplay.
  20. Holy crap Dave, wasn;t expecting that many leagues! Awesome stuff as usual. However, as usual, Oceania and Caribbean most important to me (though there is an excllent Caribbean already available) shall wait for yours to compare as seems no one done/dpoing a comprehensive Oceania this year Looking forward to v3! Take care.
  21. The first thing you need to do is largely ignore them. The attribute system is there ultimately to give a quick glance of the 'quality' of a player imo. How else do you differentiate Bob Smith of San Marino to Messi? There has to be a scoring metric system somewhere. As for your argument of poor finishing but scoring a lot of goals, sure, dependent on the league. Stick a guy with 3 finishing in the Premier League and I can pretty much guarantee even with great service, his return rate will be shocking but will still get goals due to statistical law of averages. Hwever, same said forward playing for your local pub team could be an absolute unit. It's perspective. Let my cat take 100 penalties, she's going to score one of them at some point just by the above. Attributes are mainly only useful for the level you're at, excluding outliers naturally. As for stars, people need tor ealise how the star rating actually works, which in fairness, should be explained far better by SI given their push to get new younger players onboard (along with a hundred other things but that's another conversation). I agree it needs looking at, real managers don't have stats on a page for a player. Hoqwever, it's a game, so should we really be watching training or if hands off, relying purely on our useless Ass Man? This is similar to international management in FM, given how ridiculously bad the 3D engine is at showing us what the match engine is calculating, watching games to check a player is next to useless. so comes down again to form and....attributes.
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