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Olas Nick

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Everything posted by Olas Nick

  1. nothing is clear. describe in detail what was done, what specifically didn't work, and why you think it should work
  2. maybee use widget with overlay after widget with background. <widget class="picture" file="boxes/custom/nyurch/paper" scale_picture="true"> <boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="false" /> </widget> paper - image with nonzero transparensy
  3. I did not bother with the selection of digital values, but simply deleted the line in the client_object. at the same time, there may be some nuances with some panels of some classes that are on the edge, but this can be corrected quite simply by slight changes in the panels themselves
  4. pre match topic reaction widget need to bee edited or reextract and replaced for fix issues with random disapear player names
  5. try alignment="left,center_y" instead alignment="right,center_y" or use container with vertical arrange, its good for container with small width
  6. I love such examples. the screenshot shows two things that I hate in custom skins and I don't understand how the authors can like it. 1. duplication of information (the power of the right and left foot is already indicated at the bottom of the left container) 2. irrational container sizes (the size of the Positions container is 2 times larger than required) the easiest way to achieve the result you want is to simply solve problem number 2, which will give extra width for the attribute container
  7. what is responsible for the appearance of this section? I determined that the entire field is widget class="pitch_squad_depth" . but it does not define the appearance of the icons in any way <widget class="pitch_squad_depth" id="pitc" vertical="true" pitch_length_multiplier="1.02" pitch_draw_grass="true" select_event="slic" pitch_line_colour="faded white" pitch_keep_selected_icons="true" pitch_touchline_width_percentage="30" line_width="1"> <boolean id="pitch_draw_goals" value="false" /> <boolean id="pitch_draw_markings" value="true" /> <boolean id="pitch_allow_player_selection" value="false" /> </widget>
  8. I believe that on the left is a widget class="inbox_body_text" and on the right is one of inbox mini profile * panel but such a panel is really hard to identify, especially since they may not even be in the news_item_panels directory
  9. competition news item medium.xml competition news item large.xml competition news panel.xml competition news side panel.xml competition news prozone panel.xml
  10. yes it is.... "platform features" this is a completely random thing that cannot be explained
  11. under the influence of modern fashion added one tab with a little analysis of the next opponent to the manager home panel
  12. anything can be turned back by gradually deleting the copied files in this case i think it would be .\graphics\chrome\buttons\continue\button.png although in a custom skin it can be anything
  13. what is the problem'? KEY-348845: General Manager[COMMENT: the title the chairman uses at the club] KEY-330006: Head Coach[COMMENT: Editor; job type]
  14. who knows where to look for files responsible for pass map lines colors and width? I found the files in the \graphics\icons\custom\pass map but they only change the appearance of the captions below the football field
  15. I'll be honest, I didn't think anything could be done with the terrible panels in the Data Hub, but today I finished the last 2 panels - Matches/Last Match and Next Opponent/Analyst Report and it seems that everything looks good
  16. currently, in the fmf packed version, the default title bar is light, and in the unpacked "live" version, the default title bar is dark
  17. created mod with dark titlebar files are in _skel/panels/dark_titlebar_mod.7z
  18. yes, it's @_Ben_ tactics overview side panel.xml i just removed everything "unnecessary" and fix the tactic selector
  19. this is a situation where you can add something to the panel but don't want to, at the same time you want to add something to the panel but can't team opposition scout report panel
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