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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. normaly it's put in skins/your skin/graphics/backgrounds else you can always open the file and look for the path
  2. i'll give it a try, and return with a reply once i see if it works or not
  3. if you add <flags id="DRsd"/> you have the social groups, i will look into media handling once i have more time
  4. Hey Guys i'm gonna try this again as it has been a returning issue for atleast 2 years now and i still havnt been been able to find the cause or a solution as the picture below will show, The "player popup button" is red and the player name is "invisable".. if i hover the mouse over the "missing" name, it shows that the name still is present and clickable If i either click the name and click the back button, the name will be showing fine If i click a mail above or below and click back, the name shows fine aswell.. it's so random if and when it happends, and it's not always in the loan a player or offer on a player etc. As @BuzzR Pointed out in a previous thread i did along time ago, it's the 2 files panels\news_item_panels\inbox content with transfer person mini profile panel.xml panels\news_item_panels\inbox mini profile player details panel.xml That controls this mail and non of the 2 files is part of my skin, so they are grabbed by default by the game.. Does anyone have similar issue or maybe have an idea to what the issue might be. maybe you would have a good idea @michaeltmurrayuk ? or anyone else Thanks in advance and crossing fingers for better luck this time
  5. @Tyburn Just a minor update, i got mine working aswell to my needs, it seems to be linked to your stuff on the right side So i just made those icons disappear, so i just have the Squad Personality and the result under the Picker line
  6. Thank you for the files, i have been without internet all day yesterday and until now.. i'll surely be digging into it. thanks again for the idea and files, much appreciated @wkdsoul - i'll take a look at your files aswell, thanks to everyone involved to solve this mystery
  7. yeah i don't use cache pages and i also auto overwrite custom panels But you're right, it could have been as simple. But sadly not i'll look forward to checking your file out as this makes little to no sense to me. Still thanks for the idea and code so far
  8. Just tried moving it up where you have yours and still the same.. when you leave the screen and come back it's gone Brain.exe has stopped working, i'll take a look again later tonight. @keysi super.
  9. only thing i have done is move it below the "picking panel" and change size thats all, code is as you posted.
  10. I like this idea @Tyburn But for some reason it's only showing the result IF i am on the squad page when reloading the skin, if i start on any other screen it's only the "Squad personality" that shows. same if i start on the screen and go to another screen, it's not showing either i am aware that my brain is jelly still, but have i missed something ? i just used your posted codes to try it out @keysi - did you change something beside the size etc.
  11. I was planning to have a look at it, to see what i could come up with But as i'm still super ill and my brain is like a half eaten pudding, there is no chance of me even trying to solve any coding. but i'll let you know if any progress is made at some point.
  12. steam-games\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2023\data has all the fmf files for you to unpack
  13. i've tried a ton of different combinations to see if i could get a vertical divider to show for build in views, but nothing so far i kinda gave up awhile back and hoped someone would stumble across a way.
  14. sry still not completely well post updated
  15. Hey Guys Can anyone maybe tell me which file contains the left panel? for some reason i can't seem to find it Thanks
  16. You have to quit and restart the game for "some" of the panels to change. or thats what i had to do anyway.. Hurray for not being too ill to be up and around... for now
  17. The whole scoreboard system has been changed for fm23, you or the creator of the skin has to make the needed changes
  18. It can be something very simple as a missing tag or a missing space in a line, it's kinda hard to say by just looking at a page
  19. You should be able to find it here then team/team instructions mini overview.xml i use the default file, and mine is white
  20. try here sitoolkit\skins\fm-widgets\graphics\icons\custom\tactics\mentality
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