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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. it seems it differ from view to view if i am on one view they look like you'rs and if i add it to a view, they look like mine.. strange
  2. it's no problem at all, we all started somewhere and this is just the place for skinning questions
  3. yes, just remember the extension has to be .xml and not .doc Edit 1: as it's a player screen you're after, this code has to go into the player folder Edit 2: the file you want to change is "player overview panel", so for the game to see your new page, it has to be called that, i would rename the old file so you have it as backup
  4. It can be a hard thing and it can be a simply forward thing you're asking. 1st you need to setup the screen as you want it to look, my suggestion would be for you to build it this way (see picture) which is made like this <panel> <layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="260,-1" /> <boolean id="should_force_refresh" value="true"/> <!-- LEFT SIDE CONTAINER --> <container> <layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-1, -1" /> <!-- PIC AND PERSONAL DETAILS --> <container bkcl="red" > </container> <!-- SMALL SELECTOR 1 --> <container bkcl="red 200" > </container> </container> <container> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="fill" /> <!-- LEFT SIDE CONTAINER --> <container bkcl="red" > </container> <!-- SMALL SELECTOR 1 --> <container bkcl="red 200" > </container> </container> </panel> Code idea/setup is borrowed from a previous post somewhere by @bluestillidie00 Once you have your screen as you like it to look, you will have to find the panels from the skins and place them where you have the colours i hope this makes sense Edit : typo's
  5. Not sure which skin your using, but you should be able to adjust the sizes of the panels here - "match/match in between highlights panel.xml"
  6. Hey @lugui 1 - I don't understand when you say the "cut" at the bottm - but this file controls everything in this image or the overlay and have a few underlying pages - "tactics/tactics overview side panel.xml 2 - i believe it's the - "generic/titlebar search panel.xml" - but not 100 sure as it could just aswell be "client_object/client object browser.xml" 3 - is "tactics(tactics icon info panel overview.xml" 4 - should be possible, but replacing the kit code with a face code hope some of it helps
  7. Tactics/pitch with tactics container.xml contains the tactic itself
  8. Have you tired going into the preferences and untick "overwrite custom panels" or something like that
  9. Put the attached file into this folder WTCS5 v1.0\panels\club and see if it fixes your problems Edit. posted wrong file and path sorry club overview panel.xml
  10. Just to make sure.. inside the superpack, you have all the pictures and 1 config file.? oh and try and remove the packed files from the folder aswell
  11. no clue sry, i like to see my text and not a background <- old age and bad vision
  12. Looks fine.. Try and go into preferences - tick reload skin on changes (or something like that) then clear the cache in the lower right corner on the cog and reload skin.
  13. If i'm not remembering wrong, both @wkdsoul and @keysi said late FM22 that they would not share there personal skin this year. I might be wrong and in that case, i apologize..
  14. Provide a screenshot of the path from Documents to the last folder wherer your stadiums are might be a simple placement issue
  15. Go into the preferences in interface look for landing page and change that to profile
  16. nation/nation overview.xml might be the top one team/team squad.xml is the bottom
  17. Thank you so much, this has annoyed me for ages not sure why i missed the file in the first place, must be going blind
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