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Everything posted by themodelcitizen

  1. You've got the competition set elsewhere, in a "teams" entry, or a fate action, or qualifying, or something. When you make a change like that and it still won't verify, sometimes you have to painstakingly go through the settings to see which other instances need to be adjusted
  2. What you're seeing in that screenshot is stage 0. What do stages 1 to 3 do? If they're needed, any reason stage 0 is needed then? Why did you want two "Southern League" (for example) tables in the first place? Just trying to get my head around the setup so I can help. Guessing this duplicating everything is what's causing the National League rep issue, either here or somewhere else you're calling the same competition in multiple places (don't)
  3. Check the "teams" entry, I think it was getting teams from stage 0 using the competition name (which I guess you've changed) but you'll have to adjust this obviously. You could list each team individually, give the Western teams a "secondary division" of "western league" and call them that way, whatever works best for you. When you're changing something like a stage name you should check the other instances where those teams are referred to (maybe the playoffs under "teams") and make sure it can accommodate the new entry. Do we need stages 1-3? Is there a way to rejig the rules so the groups in stage 0 do everything they're supposed to do? Unnecessary duplication is at the heart of this I think
  4. Make the changes I've listed above, and if it still won't verify then post it here
  5. If all of that doesn't work I'd also uncheck that "allow sub-comp to be viewed separately" thing, at least for testing. I'm not sure that works that cleanly, you'd probably have to go child comps if you wanted it to look like that EDIT: OK couldn't stop myself, thought you were messing with me or it was the old file. But definitely don't make them ALL hidden stages. The user has to have something to look at
  6. So when I said this "If you absolutely need the double stages because one qualifies teams a certain way, I'd drop the "competition" entry from one set. Like, don't have 2 "southern leagues" in there. If you want it to look the same way (but one of these stages should probably go entirely), just create a new stage name called Southern League or something and use that here" I meant you shouldn't have "other competition" set to "southern league" for both the subgroup in stage 0 and stage 3. You'll also need to answer this: "Can you drop stages 1 to 3 entirely? Can the groups in stage 0 accomplish everything you're doing there? I wonder if the redundancy (having 2 Southern League tables) is causing some of the duplication. " EDIT: Also meant this "In "other stage rules"/"take stage results into other stage" you don't need to specify the competition names here, wonder if that's confusing it too" Gonna stop now, if you don't understand my instructions then say something, don't just ignore it and keep posting the same file
  7. I think that's to do with the leagues sending fixtures around different stages, can't remember what I did to fix it. Let me check
  8. That's interesting. Just googled "Haitians in BVI" and it totally makes sense they'd have waves of migrants coming over
  9. UK or GB might mess with the hidden "British" second nationality or the rare instances when they get to field an Olympic team (although when England hosts they might default to England U-23s automatically becoming Team GB, not sure about that). Also the competition histories are cleaner to edit for Ireland pre-1922 because you can just set their records to Northern Ireland (same FA)
  10. A lot of dual nationals incorrectly have their nationality declared (to England, France, Netherlands etc) or are missing it outright, so they won't show up that way, but true, my strategy is best if you've gone through with a pre-game file and painstakingly sorted a lot of the uncapped players at the very low levels so they're not "declared" for England (for example) and have their documented second nationality. My diaspora files (last one was 2022) would lead to guys like Leon Legge suiting up for St. Lucia, but because his first nationality is English and he's so far down the leagues, loading internationals isn't enough and you had to actually load players based there. Then you just get used to pestering every dual national for a call-up every cycle
  11. This looks incredible. If you go to other countries' and set their transfer preferences, you might be able to get it so no one signs Yugoslavs until they turn 27 (if you're trying to replicate something like that rule). Fantastic work
  12. 20 years IRL with no dual nationality isn't it? Poor guys can't catch a break (with imported players)
  13. Those are great. If you have the computing power you might also consider adding all players "based in" England, France, and/or Netherlands, can expand the existing selection base for teams like St. Lucia, Martinique, and Curacao before newgens start to generate in those active leagues
  14. Appears to have been uploaded at the ownCloud site
  15. Implementing non-EU rules to non-EU countries is broken, the country's own domestics will be counted as non-EU (even if set as "non-EU" to themselves, included in a new "agreement" that is non-EU to themselves, etc). It appears to be contemplated that it should work, allowing custom stuff like Roy Race is envisioning or the old "1 extra Arab player" rule in Qatar or the OFC player slot in New Zealand, but is glitched Likely why they had to hard-code stuff like the extra Asian rule, extra Chinese diaspora, etc
  16. Here it is with a "youth cup" ("U19 Cup" in the advanced rules). I've taken the default US rules and simply added a cup to demonstrate - the group games should be occurring 1 day after another, but are forced into 2-day windows. Uploaded to the cloud: CLASHDATESBUG.fmf CLASHDATESBUG.fm After that, there's a 3-day gap between the knockout fixtures, which are supposed to occur in subsequent days. You'd suspect this may be down to the whole schedule being thrown off by the group delay, but I've seen it elsewhere even when it starts on time. @Zachary Whyte @Wolf_pd
  17. Can you drop stages 1 to 3 entirely? Can the groups in stage 0 accomplish everything you're doing there? I wonder if the redundancy (having 2 Southern League tables) is causing some of the duplication. If you absolutely need the double stages because one qualifies teams a certain way, I'd drop the "competition" entry from one set. Like, don't have 2 "southern leagues" in there. If you want it to look the same way (but one of these stages should probably go entirely), just create a new stage name called Southern League or something and use that here And if we do have to keep them all, can either stage 0 or stage 1-3 be a hidden stage(s) (i.e. that box under "league settings" checked)? So not visible in-game? EDIT: Under stage 4 you've set both "other competition to use" and "stage name" to something, I'd only go with 1 there (just leaving notes as I come across them now). Teams will still qualify fine from stage 0 In "other stage rules"/"take stage results into other stage" you don't need to specify the competition names here, wonder if that's confusing it too
  18. Taking a look at that Final Draft but not sure this is the latest version, don't see any of my suggestions above. Anyway at first glance: I'd get rid of that "regional phase" stage name, if the groups have comps specified I think that sort of takes priority. If you want it to look the same way just name the subcomp "Regional Southern League" or something You have "league settings"/"fixture order" for the stage itself AND each individual group set to "slightly random"? Why? I assume this should be set to "straight" Drop the three entries you've checked under "group settings"/"rules" (the stuff like "ask competition for groups"), that's just confusing it IMO Should "league settings (all groups)" have "number of teams per group" set to 2? Looks like Southern, Central etc are bigger than 2 teams each, so uncheck that entry in that case To tighten this up even more, under the stage you could activate and UNCHECK the box for "randomize teams". Go into "league settings" and set the "other league stage flag" that says "don't randomize the team order when scheduling the league" If all else fails you may have to specify each fixture date on a date you know is free (yes, every single matchdate in "fixture dates" and then reflected in "league schedule"/"dates") and use break periods to block them from trying to schedule on continental/cup/CWC dates. Could toggle that "check for clashes with" option and test different ways Also under "fixture times and rules"/"general", follow my instructions re: international dates in the above post Logos I already answered to my best knowledge. That's not an editing question A lot of these settings do exactly what they say and are worth testing, not skipping over. Plus you should engage with other content and collaborate on here - not just 1-way traffic. Help others brainstorm solutions when they have a problem too
  19. I was thinking just give them both an alternative stadium for this comp only with a hard end date (midweek after that round), but only because I couldn't think of a way to do it in the cup rules themselves Although "stadiums for fixture" in the cup rules seems to have an option to set stadia for certain stages and home teams
  20. Come to think of it you could use team pools to make it so the B1 team that goes to A1 is randomly chosen from the 3 candidates and not always Forge. Same with the B2 team that comes in to replace them. I'll try it in a separate file at some point and see if it works as intended
  21. Oh right, and Forge got bumped to A1. So A1 and B1 get a home game. I guess Ottawa and Halifax couldn't commit to the home date, so whichever of them got bumped to B1 (and a home game) hosted at a neutral ground? You could give them an "alternative stadium" for the CanChamp for a specific date period only. It's still effectively 2 regions (A and B) but you can keep it in-region with valid cup draw rules. I think if you used the geographical draw for the QFs and semis it should keep the regions intact too (or just draw every round fresh but I think the bracket was known ahead of time IRL)
  22. You can also get it by just doing "geographical draw" under "draw rules" and pick 2 as the amount of regions. It sorts by east-west by itself and can accommodate different teams. There will also be some variation as a result of the different L1O teams being east or west of Forge depending who gets in. The only thing you can't replicate is that the real draw had sort of 1 missing slot in the west, so I think Forge got in as a sort of random pick from them and the other Ontario teams. Plus IRL some teams weren't willing to host in May (which was odd, maybe CFL or other event dates) so they were automatically put in an "away" pool (there's something about the higher seed getting to choose home or away in "draw rules" that I haven't played with)
  23. Oh yeah. I mean "Premiership Playoffs" can be a stage too but I see how it's increasingly complicated at that point
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