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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. No, you posted your question in the download section. And since it was a question and not a file to enjoy for other people, I moved it to the main forum.
  2. Continental and International can be 0. I started in FM20 by deleting every single one of those. No issues when I tested that. I know of someone who only played England and deleted the rest. It worked although loading times were long (deletes are changes too afterall)
  3. For some of the foreigners there is that thought. There are a few at the Spanish lower division that might get a quick ''bye bye'
  4. Don't worry. I am a sucker for putting these things exactly like they need to be. Very good points. One of the things I notice when looking through competitions and competitions history that there in a sense a sort of common denominator for regions. For the USA that's for instance playoffs, or for Central and South America it is the Apertura and Clausura, but behind that there is a lot of (sometimes subtle) difference. It is almost (almost, not completely) as much fun as working out history
  5. Moved to main editors forum. Will get your post a load more attention (also, no download in the post).
  6. Andorra is done. Done some quick checks tonight and noticed that I only need to 200 foreigners to have level 1 and 2 done. That's less than I expected. On the other side is the 164 Argentinian players below level 2 that need to be checked!
  7. It depends which nation you have used. Some will be OK with you removing all players, some will always show the old nation names. The only thing you can try is drown out the old names, by adding as much names as possible. Or you can decide a nation that has a similar namebase to what you want to create.
  8. Interesting. I agree about regionality and travelling distance. There are a few nations where you could say that travell is an issue. For one nation I am looking at the real life competition where the cup competition decides which team gets promoted to a certain division.
  9. Andorra has 48 foreigners to go and then is finished. So that should be done tomorrow. After that the last big one Spain. Spain is about 1/3 of the total left. The next biggest (Portugal) is about half of Spain, so those two together are indeed half of the work.
  10. Question to anyone reading with regard to competitions. What is in your opinion something that needs in a competition setup that makes it interesting to play (or watch in case of real football)? I have a few competition setup fluttering around my mind and while some are set (the Brazil state competition I mentioned before for instance), some are up in the air, so I am looking for some inspiration and maybe something out in leftfield. PS: Good ideas will get credited unless you shamelessly copy a Wikipedia page
  11. Messi and Ramos are out! Among others that is. But France is done and Andorra is now on the chopping board. It's suprisingly larger in terms of foreigners than other of the small nations.
  12. Looking at Nunangat you might have thought, do we have this kind of data in the FM databases? The answer to that question is No, we don't. Nunangat will be completely custom build and will a completely new set of local regions, cities, clubs and person names, ethnicity and other physical appearance. So that's where 'culture building' comes in. Obviously, I have already have given myself enough options with Nahua, Yucatan and Tawantinsuyu, but at least for those there is quite a bit of information available, based on research, most of the languages being alive and in general quite a bit of people living in the area. Nunangat for that part is mostly empty, really really empty. The Dutch city I live has more inhabitants than complete Nunangat. And it's really not that big. In this case Local Regions are quite easy as they are available and can be found online. Cities (or rather settlements in the case of most) can be found as well, but clubs might be a challenge. Looking at person names, that will be a case of googling and finding names. Luckily Wikipedia and other pages offer enough options to click through. So this nation will end up an Inuit based nation (and languages!) with correct places, people names and everything. The easiest start for names usually is sports and politics as those people are wellpresented online. A few nations on my list are for instance from the Pacific ocean, say Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. What is easier than for those three nations to look into rugby players. You don't have to add those players with their exact physical sizes to the game (would be fun though ), but re-using their names gives a great namebase. Ah yes, namebases in FM. If you have been playing FM since the CM days, you might have found a file in the CM2 folder that shows every name for each nation. You could then if you wanted add a name to it and it would show up in the game. Later on this has been hidden or encrypted somewhere. There are a few files that might be what we need like basic_people_db.dat, but the file can't be opened. Annoying isn't it? If you delete every single person in the game (except for retired people, those can't be delted) and you play you will notice some nations having player names and some being completely empty, not even having grey names. Nations with player names have (probably) their own namelists. Changing the language of cities, local regions and nations does not appear to change them, so it very much looks like this is the 'minimum amount of names' the nation has. However, you might wonder, if that's only the minimum where does the rest come from? Simple, from the FM database. Every player from a certain nationality is made part of the namebase of that nation. So if you give Belgian players Japanese names, you will start to notice Japanese names between your Belgian names. How much that happens, depends on two things. 1. How big the total amount of persons is and 2. How many names you have added. Every nation appears to have a baseline amount of people (maybe depending on the amount nation inhabitants?). To create a completely new nation like Nunangat you will want to have a clean slate, or a very minimal influx of Canadian/US style names. There are two options in this case, one is to reuse one of the Caribbean nations that full under for instance the West Indies Federation, the other is to reuse one of the extinct nations. Using the West Indies Federation makes for a decent amount of US/Canadian style names, possibly some French (Canadian) names as well, so they fit the bill. Where the Caribbean nations doesn't fit the bill, is in terms of ethnicity. Ethnicity is another thing we can't change in the editor btw. So reusing an extinct nation seems to be the better option. True, but we only have a limited amount of extinct nations. I don't know how SI are going to implement women football, but I am silently hoping that they are going to do it in such a way that those nations could be reused for men football (and I have the choice of about 500 nations ). But back to names. Independent of any nation that I will use to build the nation of Nunangat you will need a base amount of players. There are several rules for that, some have been determined by editors, some have been confirmed by SI. If you want to have the team be available for international management you need to have at least 150 players of a RELEVANT playing level. Adding 300 players with 200 that are nowhere able to plan in the national team will not make the team available for international management. You need about 100-150 players to get a decent amount of player names in the games, but more is always better. The other side of that is that it takes a lot of time and effort to add them unfortunately One other thing I have noted is that there are nations that are strictly influenced by language and the availbale players in the database. One of these is Djibouti for instance. Removing all players and replacing the language with Dutch gave Dutch newgens (this applied to FM20 btw, so could have changed). So it's worth it to find out these 'empty shells' that can be finetuned to your liking. For HDP I am doing that as well, by determining which nations I want to reuse (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, etc) and which are left afterwards and could be reused. The changing demographics due to my history changes are interesting as well, as some of the Central and South American nations can be reused up north! Paraguay and Venezuela are high on my 'test and check' list, just like the Central American nations. On that note, know that SI knows just one Native American ethnicity which applies to the whole of the Americas.
  13. France is progressing nicely. Currently working through the last 10 teams from Ligue 1 and 2. So I expect to be working on Andorra tonight already. Deciding who gets kicked out of PSG is tough though!
  14. No download, so move to main editors forum. With regard to your problem, you need to make sure that you use a transparent background and save it with a transparent background. Depending on which exact filetype you save to, it might save transparent as white.
  15. Nation: Nunangat Offical long name: Inuit Nunangat Language(s): English and various Inuit languages Capital: Iqaluit National stadium: Sǫǫ̀mbak’è Community Arena Borders: West Cascadia, south Canada, north Arctic Ocean and east Greenland One of the most isolated football nations Nunangat is a recent addition to the CONEMAF and FIFA roster. Nunangat has profited from new FIFA rules that allow autonomous regions to join FIFA if their nation allows for them to join their continental federation. As Canada did not see any problems with Nunangat joining, Nunangat became a full member of CONEMAF in 2017 and joined FIFA in 2022. Nunangat is one of the nations where games can be played on artificial grass, grass, gravel and ice (!). Ice games take place in the winter in a special competition, but are not part of the official national football competition. Most games are played in Sǫǫ̀mbak’è as biggest and most southern city. When explorers entered the arcitc regions of Rupert's land they encountered a people that already played a ballgame that would look very familiar to any Nahuan grass ball game player. As there were no peccaries around though, the ball was made out of another material, the nose sack of the hooded seal. Added bonus to using this kind of ball is that the sack is brightly red which makes for good visibility. The Nunangat terriroty was considered of little importance under precious resources were discovered. This obviously brought in a (small) influx of people, but also brought the region pollution, alcohol and other problems. Activism for Inuit autonomy started in the late 70's, but only saw success when the territory of Nunavut was created. Encouraged by this success more initiatives were started and in the early 80's Inuvialuit was created, while it took untill 2005 when Nunavik and Nunatsiavut were created. This ultimately resulted in the Nunangat autonomous territory being created in 2009. Next up is Canada
  16. Moved to main Editors forum (no download)
  17. If you exchange them, you are using the base nation Afghanistan and Yemen. That base nation always takes presidence.
  18. As I mentioned in the Geography part, clubs are the obvious lifeline of this mod. No clubs means no football in FM (although a national team only mod should be possible). My idea is to create national competitions with at least 3 levels for each nation. Some nations are rather small and will only have 3 levels. Others might be worked out into 6 or more levels if I feel inspired. The obvious issue here is the available amount of clubs. Some nations are well and deeply researched (Italy). Others.... not so much (Slovakia comes to mind). I prefer using teams from the database rather than create them (time being the chief reason). But I already know that there are several nations that will need created teams, either because of numbers, or because I have certain plans for the nation that means I rather have newly created teams than rebuild other teams into what I need. Luckily there are more clubs in the database than you might realise and I want to make good use of that. If you don't know what I mean, let's explain. The first and most obvious ones (especially for those who regularly use the editor) are the extinct teams. So plan A is to revive every extinct team. That will need some extra editing, mainly because usually extinct teams are used for historic purposes, but that's not the scope here. Making teams available to check the numbers is the first goal. Making teams ready for the competition is of secondary concern right now. Reviving teams is easy. Uncheck the extinct checkbox and you are done. There are about 24500 extinct teams in the database, so that's valuable data! Next, there are teams that are in the database, but when you search for them, they don't turn up in the search results, or you don't even see them turn up as an option when you type in the name. An example Type in Dornbirn, you get 11 results. Now go to Fussballclub Dornbirn 1913 and click the tab Reserve Teams. You will notice two teams under Reserve Teams. An Amateur team and a U18 team. These teams didn't show up in the search results, did they? Select both teams and click Remove. Go back to the Clubs screen, Apply Filter and you now have 13. Unfortunately you need to check every single active team to have all teams visible in the Clubs screen. The reason to do this is a. I want to reuse them in other manners and b. It is reeeeeeeeeeeeelly annoying to check all teams or to keep a constant (changing between updates!) list of reserve and youth teams. Added to that, since the 'Reserve Teams to be created' panel works a bit weird sometimes when there are already Reserve teams in the game, I prefer the game to create the reserve and U18/U19 competition instead of doing it all myself. Yep, you can instruct the game to create the reserve competitions and youth competition and since I already will be putting massive time in creating competitions, clubs, culture, history and lore, I prefer the reserve and youth teams to be set up by the game. I need the Geography file to be finished, before I can unextinct teams and make the reserve teams available. But that doesn't mean I can plan out the next steps, competition building. Well, building, right now it is mainly reading through football history and matching that with the planned culture. Football competitions evolve through the years and the evolution usually has a very good reason. For instance, the Brazilian competition has state competitions. Why? They evolved out of the Brazilian geography. Big country, travelling wasn't too easy, so state championships made much more sense. Only when travelling improved a nationwide competition was created. So you have to look at the map of the nation, link the history to it and especially see where your changes (or mine in this case) make things different. One that I have in mind for the West Indies Federation for instance would involve regional divisions based on islands. It makes total sense, doesn't it? As these main high-over ideas evolve, you can start working out how many teams you need. I have a simple excelsheet where I can put in (per level) the amount of teams and the amount of divisions per level. And that simple calculation gives you an indication how much teams you would need. I have a general competition plan written for about half of the nations I have presented now and while you might expect otherwise, not everything is silly or extreme. Another thing to keep in mind with teamnumbers comes when the team amounts and exact regional divisions are worked out. Relegation and promotion works well, as long as it is straight up or straight down between two divisions. As soon asone division relegates into multiple divisions the regional divisons tab comes into play. It does work, except when one region has much more teams relegated than the other regions. This would happen for instant when Division level 1 relegated 4 teams into the 4 regional divisions at level 2. If those 4 relegated teams are from region South, region North, region East and region West, everything is OK. Every region gets 1 team, but when there are 3 teams from region North relegated, 1 from region South and none from West and East, there is an issue. One fix is to use Dynamic Relegation, but Dynamic Relegation has one big drawback. It works, but can only be used for 1 levThe Dynamic Relegation does work btel. So you have to pick the exact level where you want to use it. On the other levels you have to decide what to do. My solution for now has been overlapping regional divisions. That means that some teams always relegated to Region North, but some teams can be region North and region South. This does work in the regions where you somewhere between national and regional. It works with 'fuzzy borders'. So for Czechoslovakia in the Iron Curtain you have a strict border between the Czech Republic and Slovakia. That's where I would use the Dynamic Relegation. The next level in the Czech Republic you have two regions being Bohemia (blue) and Moravia (red). Note that I have not followed the official border of Moravia and Bohemia as it crosses the borders of the official regions here and there. For my purposes the official Krajs are easier to use. The region where Moravia and Bohemia border each other is for me a fuzzy border. So Bohemian teams from regions C, S and H will get both the regiona divisions for Bohemia and Moravia, but ONLY the teams that inside X kilometers from the border between Bohemia and Moravia. The same thing is applied in reverse order for teams in Moravian regions E and J. This way it is no issue if from time to time a Bohemian team from one side of the border ends up on the other side in Moravia. If this happens to a team I still have made sure travelling distance is 'minimized'. A level lower Moravia and Bohemia are split up in 2 (for Moravia, red and orange) and 3 (for Bohemia, but not shown on the map) regions. I can set the western Moravia regional division for that Bohemian team, so whenever it would drop into Moravia it will still have relatively less travelling kilometers than when it could end in the eastern orange reion in Moravia. This does take a bit of study, but should mostly make sure you don't end up Lithuanian teams in Siberia kind of scenarios (which happened in Iron Curtain FM20 in one of my testruns....). That's why when the Base Geographic file is done you still need to check out if the local regions SI and you yourself have created are the exact ones you are going to need/use. As the main purpose of the Base Geography file is to split up nations and not yet to build specific nations it does mean a little bit extra work, but if you see it work as intended it is worth the effort.
  19. Nation: Cascadia Offical long name: State of Cascadia Language(s): English Capital: Seattle National stadium: Lumen Field Borders: West Pacific Ocean, south California, north Beaufort Sea and east Nunangat, Canada, Oceti Sakowin Into the northwest we go. The history of Cascadia in the 1800s is one of exploration in the first 50 years. Spain, Great Britain, Russia and United States all had their part in that. Spain would retreat to the northern border of California and Russia would retreat to the Alaskan border, leaving the pie to be divided between the English and the Americans. The Oregon and Washington Territory would become part of the United States while the northern part remained British. When the American Civil War broke out, Union troops were moved east and Oregon and Washington seemed undefended. This thought crossed the minds of the British as well and they invaded Washington. What the British had failed to realise was that despite the Union troops being redeployed in the east, the remaining force in Washington and Oregon was still better prepared and better trained than the British troops. The invasion of Washington was quickly turned around and became the invasion of the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Since Americans had been free to settle in British Columbia there was a ready available supply of Washingtonians in British Columbia as wel. Sensing the opportunity with the United States being in shock after seeing territory after declaring independence, which later by historians would be called the Breaking of the Union, the combined territory of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Vancouver Island declared independence. The Idaho territory joined soon. The nation would be named for the Cascades mountain range. The Alaska territory would not be added until 1919 when the Russian presence was overrun in a period that they weren’t receiving provisions due to the Russian Civil War ranging on the other side of the Bering Strait. Footballwise Cascadia was a late entrant to the CONEMAF football world. The lack of organisation in the territory and the focus on fur trapping made the Cascadia territory not a very fertile ground for the grass football game. The strict border with Spain hampered the spread from the south as well. Only a few years before the American Civil War broke out, the northwest was connected to the east of the United States via railroad and with the trains also came the pastime of football. Nowadays Cascadia is a sturdy opponent, but with relative little succes. It is the kind of opponent you don’t want to draw in the Copa Libertadores even though you will likely win the contest. Next up Nunangat and the promised clubs and competition way of working.
  20. Tomorrow the Swiss lower levels are finished and then it's cleaning up the First and Second division. That should be done on Friday. Considering Liechtenstein is also very small I expect to start with France on Saturday and possibly might even finish that one in the weekend. Andorra should be done on Tuesday or Wednesday (I have some evenings planned with other stuff) and then it is time for Spain. But I am below 4000 foreigners now, so that's going nice. The end for this file is slowly coming! Hopefully the brain fog lifts a bit so I concentrate better.
  21. No problem. Was just to get you assistance quicker. It might have been stuck for a while in General Discussion.
  22. This is a question for the editors hideaway, so I have moved the thread there.
  23. Yes, it is possible. There are several super leagues around that have a similar setup.
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