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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. Nation: California Offical long name: Republic of California Language(s): English, Spanish Capital: Sacramento National stadium: Rose Bowl Borders: West Pacific Ocean, south Nahua and Texas, north Cascadia and east Texas, Oceti Takowin The history of California and Texas are largely intertwined as they both formed the northern frontier of the Viceroyalty of New Spain and the subsequent Mexican Republic. While Texas was a hotbed of revolutionary activity early on, California was much more controlled by the Spanish and later on the Mexicans as the British had shown an interest in the northern part of California. The Mexican-American war changed things with America gaining former Mexican California in what at the time was the third largest territory enlargement in the USA history, Obviously the same question on slavery turned up for the California territory as it had done for Texas, Florida and so many other territory added to the United States. Initially there was no rush to integrate the territory as a state, but when gold was found things changed quickly. The California territory was cut up to allow for extra possible states and appease the slavery debate. It did little to help and the American Civil struck the United States in 1861. California did enter the war late as it took a long time for news to travel westwards. This relative isolation gave rise to the second Bear Flag revolt. The lack of Union soldiers in California and the urgent need for them in the Eastern United States allowed for the independence of the Republic of California. Despite not directly bordering California, the United States have repeatedly attempted to unite the two nations. There is a parallel line of thinking in their politics and economically they are alike. Physical distance makes this very hard though as a train from New York would cross 3 other nations before entering California. Just like Texas, California was an early adapter of the grass football game when it was part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. Their football league setups show a similar pattern as well, with a well established university football competition in California. California is one of the more succesfull nations on the international club football front with success in the Copa Libertadores. Results in the Copa America have been lacking though, despite regularly qualifying. Next up is Cascadia and I am working out some stuff to explain on how I plan to handle my clubs and how I set up my competitions.
  2. I think (emphasize on think as I have never seen SI comment on this subject) the newgens are setup in a way where certain nations create certain combinations of nationalities (this one I am pretty sure of, although there are some odd combinations). It looks like the non-European nationality, which is almost always the second means the namebase of the second nationality is used for the naming. I don't think it is a general African thing, but the newgen name settings cause this. It might be that SI can set for each newgen nation/second nation combination what the namesetting is.
  3. Surprising good progress on Switzerland tonight. Will probably need this week to finish up, but after that only Spain is bigger than 500 foreigners.
  4. You can basically set up the world from the year 0, but for FM only from 1800 is usefull. In my case most of the historical action takes place in the 1800s anyway, so that makes it easy.
  5. Easiest is to pick one big moment in time. It will use the big waves that makes it easy to diverge. That's why the Napoleonic Wars were so easy for South America and the American Civil War is so easy for northern America. For Europe I already have a few other points in mind (no spoilers ). Africa in that sense is much harder as it depends on how far I will allow the interconnectivity that is caused by colonialism.
  6. Yep. I let history flow and pick one or two points of divergence. Usually one is enough, sometimes more is needed. For Texas for instance, Sam Houston really preferred an independent Texas over secession. Cultural ties together with language are strong contenders for the way things go. Some things for instance expand on autonomous areas going a step further.
  7. Nation: Texas Offical long name: Republic of Texas Language(s): English, Spanish Capital:Austin National stadium: Texas Stadium Borders: West California, south Nahua, north Oceti Sakowin and east Acadiana, Illinois Confederation The story of the Texas Republic starts with the Viceroyalty of New Spain where Texas was part of the northern frontier. In 1821 the Mexican Empire gained independence and Mexican Texas was part of that empire. Mexican authorities allowed for immigration from the United States which made Texas a mixed Spanish and English speaking area even before Texas gained independence from Mexico. In general English speakers had the upper hand with a 4 to 1 ratio. Mexico realised the issue with this and tried to remove the United States settlers. This resulted in the Texas revolution in 1836 and the independence of the First Republic of Texas. The same year the Republic applied for stateship into the United States but this was rejected. 10 years later Texas would be accepted (or actually annexed) as the 28th state, but only if northern parts of the Republic would be relinquished as United States territory. This didn't sit well with the Texans. Following the annexetion relations between Mexico and the United States soured and already several months the Mexican-American war would break out. The Texan state endured two years of war, but the end result was that the United States expanded into northern Mexico and the state of Texas almost doubled in size. With Lincoln becoming president of the United States and slavery being a constant point of contention, Texas seceded from the United States in march 1861. A month later the American Civil War broke out. Sam Houston, the Governor at the time of the secession did not approve and preferred to return to an independent republic. While he couldn’t stop the secession, the idea of independence was planted in the minds of the Texans. The Texas area didn’t see much battle actions. Texan soldiers were mainly deployed east of the Mississippi River. When the outcome was becoming clear and the Unionist were winning, those deployed regiments returned to Texas and started the second Texas Revolution. The goal of the Revolution was to reconquer the Texas territory last to the United States. With the United States in total disarray and unrest and revolutions breaking out all over the North American continent, Texas managed to add Oklahoma and New Mexico declaring the Second Republic of Texas. When oil was found in Texas an economic boom would take place which made Texas the 10th richest economy of the world. The grass football game reached Texas already in the time of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. With a warm climate it became an all year round sport. The biggest teams play in Dallas, San Antonio, Houston and Austin, all in stadiums up to 120,000 capacity. Texas also has a rich college football tradition with each college team being connected with a (usually local) team from the Professional Texas Football League (PTFL). Despite no specific atmospheric or geographic advantage Texas has a very strong home record in international football. Texas Stadium was named the Death Star for that reason, somewhere in the 70s. Next up is California
  8. There are several nations that have their local regions create their own nationality newgens. Turkey is one of those examples and I have noticed Germany does have some local regions that do that too. Some of the East German local regions that I noticed (I was building East Germany at the time and it was maddening not to know why I was getting East/West German newgens.
  9. The second Base File I am working on is the Players Basefile. I am still thinking if this file will be cut up or it will used as a whole. Just like with the Base Geography File the main work on the nationalities needs to be done in one file to avoid errors or double work. This is a completely fictional database, so players can be changed. I am aim to keep as much of them as they are in real life, but nationality changes can lead to additional changes. As this file is going to be really big I need to decide on my direction and need to answer a few question what to do with specific data and when to make certain edits. I created a list of questions to answer which then can be turned into 'rules'. Rules are meant to make editing easier. They are like a little checklist that you can keep next to you during editing and by the time you have repeated the checklist for the Xth time, you no longer need the rules. On to the questions which I have written down as pseudo code: What is the leading piece of information for deciding on Nationality? 1. IF the last name is connected with the Nationality of the person THEN Keep the nationality 2. IF the last name is not connected with the Nationality of the person THEN Check Second Nationality IF the last name is connected with the Nationality of the person THEN Set Second Nationality as Nationality and remove Second Nationality 3. IF the last name is not connected with the Nationality of the person THEN Check Second Nationality IF the last name is not connected with the Nationality of the person THEN Remove Second Nationality AND Set different Nationality 4. IF the person has a second Nationality that is not used for 2. THEN the second Nationality is removed. The City of Birth, Region of Birth and Nation of Birth are not taken into account here, except when it can help set the Nationality for 3. Some additional things with regard when changes will be made. 5. IF the last name and first name do not match the same Nationality THEN the last name is leading and the first name will possibly be changed at a later moment 6. IF City of Birth, Region of Birth and Nation of Birth do not match the Nationality THEN they will possibly be changed at a later moment These rules cover about 95-98% of all cases. There are some other cases that go deeper into the data like cases where someone has been adopted, but these will be done on a case to case basis. Another thing to note is that I will only make changes based on current geography, so I won't change Nationalities based on the new geography. That's for the simple reason that the final world is only set for the Americas now. Again I go through the file in a strict set order. The aim here is to make sure I can do smaller batches as for instance for Italy there are 60K items in the People section (about 10% of total...). Filename Versionnumber Area of Change Description FM32 Base People Changes v000001 People: Argentina Check Second Nationality for Nation Argentina FM32 Base People Changes v000002 People: Argentina Check Second Nationality Argentina for Nation is not Argentina FM32 Base People Changes v000003 People: Argentina Check Person name for Nationality Argentina for Person not born in Argentina FM32 Base People Changes v000004 People: Argentina Check Person name for Nationality Argentina for Person born in Argentina and City is null FM32 Base People Changes v000005 People: Argentina Check Person name for Nationality Argentina for Person born in Argentina Province Buenos Aires and City is not null FM32 Base People Changes v000004 is an important one. A lot of the lesser well known player will not have a City of Birth. This means that if you don't set the right query you might miss these and they can be a lot! Also, if a person doesn't have a City of Birth, usually that is set (hidden so to speak) to the Capital of the Nation). This means that for v000005 you need to specify that you only want the people WITH City of Birth. Otherwise you are doing a lot of extra work. When checking names you need to take into account that names do change over time and can get a local flavour. When I was editing for the Iron Curtain 22 I changed a few names to Serbian from Hungarian, only to be pointed out by an Hungarian friend that the version I thought was Yugoslav was actually a Hungarian version of the Serbian name. And of course because I am Dutch I might miss those subtleties in language and naming conventions. Luckily I can set history from 1800 and naming conventions for last names is a relative late additions to the fold. Napoleon has done a lot for setting rules about this in the last few hundreds of years. Yes, yet again this man People might notice that a few things are missing that could also decide on Nationality, being the Photos that some of the players in the editor have or Ethnicityor what if there is someone with a double name? Good questions. The Photos are easy. Names are the deciding factor, but if the photo says something else, the photo is leading. However, there are not that many photos in the database, so photos are mostly a case by case situation. Ethnicity will be something that comes into play when a Nation has a colonial past (looking among others, at you UK, France and Portugal). Usually the person's name and Second Nationality will already help working out the new Nationality. A check on other people in the database with the same last name usually does the trick as well. If not clear, it is up to Google and ultimately my own decision where someone ends up. This will probably happen for some of the British and French people. Double names all depend on what the double name is in the end, but they usually give good information already.
  10. It is relevant for an attribute template, but goes in a bit deep into the attribute side. You first need to get the ATP files working, which I unfortunately can't help you with. If you have created an attribute template and want to apply it to create templates for certain types of players you will have to take into account how the game works with attributes and that's where the comment from themodelcitizen comes into play.
  11. This thread is about the file OllieDrew made for Man City. Not a request thread. If you want to ask for a file to be made, you can create your own thread and request it in there. Your own thread gives you room to expand how you want the file to be done (specific details and such) and if someone picks it up you can discuss feedback with the creator. The same sort of discussion that is taking place here where OllieDrew explained why he decided on the specifics of the punishment.
  12. Please don't request for a file in someone else's thread.
  13. To start of my builders log it is good to know how I work. I am, for reasons I won't go into, a very organized person. I can put this to good use in my work as a software tester and it helps editing as well. My need for organisation also means that preparation is just as important as the building. I will use from to time examples from the Iron Curtain mod as a lot of what I have done for that is a good example for how I work. As this is a bigger project some parts will not apply if you want to rebuild a specific nation for instance. In that case, just pick out the parts you consider usefull and in case something isn't clear, just ask. So for this world project, it started with a lot of reading. I have an interest in geography, history and football. Looking at the Iron Curtain projects for FM20 and FM22 I like to combine them. You might have noticed that With the Historical Divergence project (HD or HDP from here on) I could start with a blank slate. Reading through various books, wikipedia and other sources I ended up with a long list of nation options. The list at one time was over 350 entries (yep, really) and dropping some is really hard. I guess I have some alternative projects in line And then it is time to map the nations. For some reason, probably because I am a visual minded person, mapping helps me finalize the nations. As I mentioned in one of the posts before, when I finished the map of North America, I just put it in front of me to see if something on the map would say, no, you have to change this. It didn't happen btw, so that's great. While the nation reveals and the histories written down are an important part of this thread, they were not necessary when I started building. Since I will move data between nations, I need to be sure that I move the right data. That's why I will always start 'completing the geography' in the editor. This consists of three categories of data: Local Regions Cities Clubs There are more than have a geographic link, like for instance weather or languages, but weather is linked to a specific place and the city positions don't change and languages can only be set correctly by the time I have moved all local regions, cities and clubs to the right nation. You might wonder, why clubs as well? Because ultimately they are the most important of the football landscape. Local regions and Cities help the regional competitions especially. Being the organized person I am I create build logs for the files I create. Below is an example the log I made for a file from the Iron Curtain Filename Versionnumber Area of Change Description IC22 World Data Changes v000016 DC: Oceania Set Rival Nations IC22 World Data Changes v000017 DC: South America Set Transfer Preferences IC22 World Data Changes v000018 DC: South America Set Rival Nations IC22 World Data Changes v000019 DC: South America Set non-Foreign Nations IC22 World Data Changes v000020 DC: Caribbean Set Transfer Preferences IC22 World Data Changes v000021 DC: Caribbean Set non-Foreign Nations IC22 World Data Changes v000022 DC: Central America Set Transfer Preferences IC22 World Data Changes v000023 DC: North America Set Transfer Preferences IC22 World Data Changes v000024 DC: South America Set Transfer Preferences IC22 World Data Changes v000025 DC: Albania Set Transfer Preferences IC22 World Data Changes v000026 DC: Albania Set Gain Nationality to 10 years IC22 World Data Changes v000027 DC: Albania Set Rival Nations Filename is obviously the name of the file that will be loaded into the game Versionnumber is my versionsystem and as you can see I make sure I have enough options (maybe a million is overdoing it ) Area of change contains an abbrevation of the sort of change (DC stands for Data Changes which you will recognize from the filename) and the area behind it speaks of which continent, region or nation the changes apply to. The description is a short version of what I change there. It usually refers to which specific tab I am going to edit like Transfer Preferences, non-Foreign nations or Rival Nations, or I will set a specific change like Gain Nationality to 10 years. And yes, that's literally 1 change for 1 version there. Reason for these extensive logs is so I can find back exactly which change was made where AND when I am testing I can test the EXACT change I made to the game to its effect. Did I mention I am a software testing in my daily job? For HDP I started of with two base files. Base files are files that will NOT end up in the mod, but... the datachanges in it will. Little riddle here One of the issues when you start up splitting nations is that you need to make sure that the changes are made in the correct file and not double changes (that can have some annoying side effects). So the solution is to make all changes for one continent in one file, the base file. When the Base file is done, it is cut up in little files and those little files are used as a start file for the various Nation files. This is the file named Base Geography Changes. The other one is the Base People Changes, but that one might end up in the game in its whole (with a different name). For the Base Geography Changes files I made the following change list. This is the list of actions I do per nation. The explanation is between () behind the change. Add Local Regions (I check the local regions in FM and check if they are complete. If not, I will add the local region) Edit Local Regions (I will add the inhabitants number and language where missing. These are generally done based on wikipedia) Add Cities to Local Regions (Cities that do not have a local regions set, will get one. If a city does not have a Local Region in real life, it will get a City District Local Region, something like Minsk City District for instance) Add Cities to Clubs Create Cities and add to Clubs So that gives the following start of the buildlog Filename Versionnumber Area of Change Description FM32 Base Geography Changes v000001 Geography: Argentina Add Local Regions FM32 Base Geography Changes v000002 Geography: Argentina Edit Local Regions FM32 Base Geography Changes v000003 Geography: Argentina Add Cities to Local Regions FM32 Base Geography Changes v000004 Geography: Argentina Add Cities to Clubs FM32 Base Geography Changes v000005 Geography: Argentina Create Cities and add to Clubs FM32 Base Geography Changes v000006 Geography: Brazil Add Local Regions and that continues until I have done all nations for CONMEBOL and CONCACAF. You will notice I have some actions that are not necessary for for instance Argentina, but by having each actions for each nation I know for sure that I am not missing anything. I can fix things up when I work in the separate files, but better safe than sorry. And this is how I start pretty much every edit I work on.
  14. Nation: Acadiana Offical long name: Territory of Acadiana Language(s): French, English Capital: Baton Rouge National stadium: Acadiana Superdome Borders: West Texas, south Caribbean Sea, north Illinois Confederation and east Florida Before Acadiana was known as such, it was called Louisiana named after King Louis XIV. Louisiana encompassed a large part of North America and was a French posessesion. The United States wanted New Orleans (now La Nouvelle-Orléans) as posessing New Orleans meant the French could close the Mississippi to US water traffic at any time. In 1803 the United States were surprised when the French foreign minister asked the US envoy how much the United States was prepared to pay for not just New Orleans, but the entirety of Louisiana. This would double the size of the United States in one swoop. A small part of the Louisiana territory was admitted as the eighteenth US state of Acadiana in 1812. Acadiana had a strong French contingent as their numbers were filled with people being removed from French Acadia in the north when the British won the Seven Years war. The Acadianans in English are also known as Cajuns which was the way the Americans pronounced Acadian. Acadiana would seceed in 1861 as the sixth state to do so. Due to its strategic location on the Missisippi river New Orleans was captured early on in the Civil War and it severely limited Confederate action west of the river. Much of the fighting in Louisana would be around the Mississippi river or other waterways and the Union navy turned out to be too strong. In the wake of the Spanish taking over Florida the Acadianians took their chance and declared indpedence. The United States could only look on in despair while another territory broke away. Acadianian football is heavily linked with Hayti as the two nations share a language and many Haytians fled to the Louisiana territory because of war, natural disasters and political instability. Despite the Haytian influx Acadiana is not a strong nation in the CONAMAF region. Acadiana has on several ocassions considered joining other federation for a combined national competition, but the levels at which the Acadianian teams would enter the competition has always been a stumbling block. Next up Texas
  15. Check this one as well and in advanced rules here Your level isn't filled, so that could be the issue there.
  16. Two options, you can set Man City as being relegated at the end of season (this is an option in the advanced rules). That should have an option to set it to one time only. Second option is to give them a 100 point penalty.
  17. To add to this, I did a test in FM20 where I removed all people from the database. Then I tested each continent with ‘pick all people from nation’, That was to ensure that the game would create newgens for those nations. Some got generic names from their language, some got NO newgens and some got a very specific serie of names (pointing at a specific name base). Then I changed all languages to Dutch (I am Dutch so easiest for me to recognise if a name is based on it). I changed the Dutch language for the Netherlands to Nepalese (just to see if it would change. Several nations then got Dutch names all of sudden. Maybe I need to repeat that test. Almost forgot, I also did a different test where I changed the language for each nation (again to Dutch) but did NOT delete the people in the database. The game needed a minimum of about 250 people in the database to ignore the language I set. Which is very interesting as I can use it to play around with namebases and ethnicity. Anyway, I think I am going to repeat the test and add it to an excel and upload the excel here (file if it it is not be big will be uploaded as well).
  18. Thanks. Crashing things are always good to log. Can't say for fix times, I am not a dev
  19. I checked the editor. The affiliation between Hellas Verona and Mantova does NOT have the checkbox Cannot play in the same division checked. So you should be able to get promotion.
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