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Grant Wahl (US journalist) has died in Qatar


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20 minutes ago, Weezer said:

But also, Qatar have a lot of black marks against them sure, but suggesting they’ve murdered a prominent journalist in plain sight at one of the biggest events in the world for wearing a rainbow is insanity ffs.

This sounds ignorant.

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Just now, Weezer said:

And speculating about the murder of a man that was already unwell is mad.

I didn't say it wasn't? 

But suggesting that they wouldn't murder someone over something they consider to be a capital crime, is definitely ignorant.

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7 minutes ago, Lucas said:

I didn't say it wasn't? 

But suggesting that they wouldn't murder someone over something they consider to be a capital crime, is definitely ignorant.

The ignorance is to assume that Qatar is so evil/dumb that they’d murder a high profile, foreign journalist for such a minor incident at the biggest event in the history of their country.

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Is it an assumption, or a suggestion? They are two separate things. Big difference, too.

I was not assuming anything. I was making the very plain suggestion that it's not out of the question, since, you know, homosexuality is illegal in Qatar and they've imprisoned people for much less.

Let's see what officially comes out, first. 

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I don’t think it’s insane for people to speculate that something dodgy happened when his own brother is saying he believes that’s what happened. Would be one thing if he’d died and people were speculating that, but his brother has said he received death threats and believe that’s what happened. 

Clearly wasn’t feeling well and not much merit in speculating but I think questions will have to be asked by American authorities. 

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According to ESPN Wahl mentioned that he was diagnosed with bronchitis earlier in the tournament. Unless they missed some totally different, bronchitis is a very unusual thing to suddenly die from.

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6 minutes ago, JD nawrat said:

Never heard of him but this is really shocking news. I hope we find out soon what actually happened. 

also, cut Weezer some slack. He's in Qatar right now. Can't be badmouthing them. 

Thank you Man City fan ;) 

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I'm sure I read that 2 died in Brazil, but no source on that or anything.  I don't imagine it's hugely unusual, although it would depend on each case.  You're all gathered in one place, presumably a fairly stressful schedule, climate you're potentially not used to.  Tragic, obviously.

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10 minutes ago, forameuss said:

I'm sure I read that 2 died in Brazil, but no source on that or anything.  I don't imagine it's hugely unusual, although it would depend on each case.  You're all gathered in one place, presumably a fairly stressful schedule, climate you're potentially not used to.  Tragic, obviously.

I can't remember her name off the top of my head but one of the ex SKY presenters fell ill in Brazil and was on life support for a while.  Thankfully she recovered.  Things like this do happen unfortunately, especially when you have a mix of travel, stress, illness etc.  

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18 minutes ago, Barry Cartman said:

I wonder if air travel and different climates can cause conditions like this to worsen, seems strange how 3 have died and its happened at other World Cups also 

Also to be blunt, questions have to be asked about quality of healthcare. Big influx of people, were the systems coping?

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