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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passes away. 21st April 1926 - 8th September 2022.

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1 hour ago, arenaross said:



Feels like the news article from earlier showing her doing some Facetime with some foreign peeps might have been to try to show that everything is okay, as if this news came out and there'd been nothing everyone would have started ordering new tea towels with her mug on etc etc.  Not sure I'm buying it, probably animatronics for a few weeks until they realise they can't get away with it anymore.

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I don't think you can necessarily take it to mean anything significant such as suggesting she's in a pretty bad way and not far from death. I'd say it would be risky for any 95 year in good health to be at an event where they are expected to mingle with hundreds of people from around the world who could potentially be carrying a virus which could be deadly to someone of that age.

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6 minutes ago, MIR17 said:

Saw an article yesterday that suggested Harry is scrambling to get home to visit her too which rang alarm bells. I dunno, maybe it's over-reading into it, but it definitely has the same feel about it as Phillip's last couple of weeks.

She carried out some video engagements earlier in the week and looked ok, so not sure it’s quite like Prince Philip’s final weeks. Given she started using a walking stick just before she pulled out of her trip, I’m going to guess she’s probably fallen or something. 

It’s mad what she’s expected to do at 95 in fairness, do wonder if she’ll step down once she makes it to her 70th Jubilee.

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20 minutes ago, hjfh said:

She carried out some video engagements earlier in the week and looked ok, so not sure it’s quite like Prince Philip’s final weeks. Given she started using a walking stick just before she pulled out of her trip, I’m going to guess she’s probably fallen or something. 

It’s mad what she’s expected to do at 95 in fairness, do wonder if she’ll step down once she makes it to her 70th Jubilee.

Yeah, they were practically re-enacting Weekend at Bernie's with Phil at the end. Can't get away with that shenanigans with Lizzy.

Just need her to hold on long enough for us to get a four day weekend tbh.

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4 hours ago, Synthahols_for_Girls said:

She will never abdicate, her sense of duty is too great for that, 

Most of her duties will be parcelled out to the family if she herself can't perform them, but so long as she remains compos mentis, she's still the boss 

Yea, this. When her father was dying the daughters and wife took over most duties in public.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I imagine she initially went to hospital because she had a fall and like most 95 year olds it’s had a big impact on her short term health for obvious reasons. 

Because the palace officials and the public school dominated royal/political press are so weird in this country instead of being honest and upfront about it they thought they were saving her face and protecting the country etc and dug themselves a hole thinking it’s the Queen she’ll be alright on the night etc as she’s winged it through a lot of these situations before but she’s too old and frail to do it now. 

I just find it embarrassing. I doubt the queen or any of the other royals really care about this stuff too much. It’s just royal officials and public school press/journalists who hate that they were born 50-60 years after being involved with the royals has been important or that relevant so they have to live vicariously through all of these secret protocols for when she dies and get involved in the white lies to the press as telling the truth would be too dangerous for the royal family or the public who would go into meltdown if they knew the horror of it etc. 

Hilarious thing is that because they double downed on their lies before they now make it look worse as if they’d said a few weeks ago she’s had a fall, had to go into hospital, but she’s okay, just needs to rest but very frail, struggling to walk etc everyone would think yeah fair she’s 95 bless her. 

But now they’re panicking as they’ve realised oh yeah even though she’s just got to walk with a wreath and bow and stand a bit they’ve realised due to the back injury she has from the injury she obviously can’t do it. They’ve not even acknowledged how she sprained it :D 

Its just so weird and instead of protecting her and “the country” it just makes her look worse and makes everyone think she’s worse than she might be. 

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They'll probably prop her up like a decrepit puppet for the Christmas message this year. Your Nicholas Witchells will lap it up until one of the eyeballs pops out, at which point he'll start reporting in a passive-aggressive manner because no one told him the Queen had a glass eye. 

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1 minute ago, ginnybob said:

See I feel with Boris they were letting on that he was bad with Covid, that he was in intensive care etc rather than "oh, he's a bit under the weather. He's been told to rest up for a week or 2".


Boris not being that sick but being taken to hospital because of who he was will be the hill I die on. All the time in hospital and he could only talk about how doctors were 'talking about ventilating him' (lit CPAP) when the general public had to be dying to be let into hospital at that stage in the pandemic.

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14 minutes ago, ginnybob said:

See I feel with Boris they were letting on that he was bad with Covid, that he was in intensive care etc rather than "oh, he's a bit under the weather. He's been told to rest up for a week or 2".


I can't recall exactly how it went but my instinct was that they tried to play it down, then he went to hospital as a precaution, then was moved into intensive care. Then when he's ok there was a lot of exaggeration of how bad it was for a heroic recovery.

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8 hours ago, Tikka Mezzala said:

They'll probably prop her up like a decrepit puppet for the Christmas message this year. Your Nicholas Witchells will lap it up until one of the eyeballs pops out, at which point he'll start reporting in a passive-aggressive manner because no one told him the Queen had a glass eye. 

Reminds me of how Pope John Paul was at the end when they wheeled hIm out 

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21 hours ago, Tikka Mezzala said:

They'll probably prop her up like a decrepit puppet for the Christmas message this year

It's been a few years since that HSBC anti-fraud campaign with Rachel Riley, I'd expect a fake Christmas message wouldn't be difficult to pull off. If they did have to manufacture one, I hope they go the South Park/Return of Chef route.

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On 15/11/2021 at 10:04, Joel B said:

It's been a few years since that HSBC anti-fraud campaign with Rachel Riley, I'd expect a fake Christmas message wouldn't be difficult to pull off. If they did have to manufacture one, I hope they go the South Park/Return of Chef route.

I mean, Channel 4 deepfaked a Christmas message a couple of years ago. The technology still needs work but it's there.


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  • 5 months later...

I’m no fan of the royal family per se but I do find it quite grim how the last few years of her life have been made as miserable as possible by out of touch idiots in royal circles, the press and the establishment seemingly being unable to let an incredibly elderly woman just quietly abstain and retire. 

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