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The FM23 Youth Academy Challenge

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I've been wondering what roads a certain personality can go through. I splurged on the in-game editor and have been testing personalities out.

Ambitious Personality


Hidden attributes range from 1-20. Determination is from 1-20 as well.

  • Determination: 1-17
  • Ambition: 16-19
  • Loyalty: 1-9, if newgen 7-9

If Determination is raised above 17, the personality changes to Driven.

If Ambition is maxed out at 20, the personality changes to Very Ambitious.

If Ambition is below 16, the personality changes to Fairly Ambitious.

If Loyalty is above 10, the personality changes to Fairly Ambitious.

However, Loyalty is a different when lowered for a newgen:

  • <= 6 - Fickle
  • <= 3 - Mercenary

If Loyalty changes for a real player, they just stay Ambitious.

This experiment does not take into account Media Handling Style.

I wish I could mass create players with different hidden attributes.

Also, I'm not editing my Tampico Madero save. It's a whole different save just to test personalities out.

Edited by hubwub
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39 minutes ago, hubwub said:

I've been wondering what roads a certain personality can go through. I splurged on the in-game editor and have been testing personalities out.

Ambitious Personality

  Reveal hidden contents

Hidden attributes range from 1-20. Determination is from 1-20 as well.

  • Determination: 1-17
  • Ambition: 16-19
  • Loyalty: 1-9, if newgen 7-9

If Determination is raised above 17, the personality changes to Driven.

If Ambition is maxed out at 20, the personality changes to Very Ambitious.

If Ambition is below 16, the personality changes to Fairly Ambitious.

If Loyalty is above 10, the personality changes to Fairly Ambitious.

However, Loyalty is a different when lowered for a newgen:

  • <= 6 - Fickle
  • <= 3 - Mercenary

If Loyalty changes for a real player, they just stay Ambitious.

This experiment does not take into account Media Handling Style.

I wish I could mass create players with different hidden attributes.

Also, I'm not editing my Tampico Madero save. It's a whole different save just to test personalities out.

That's cool.  I've never really looked at how these small changes actually impact on the in-game descriptions.


I created a spreadsheet for this using some equations that were shared on the forum a few years ago.  I updated it for FM22 using loads of exported newgen player data (~460k) and then created a load of queries in excel (it was really slow and would be better in SQL with hindsight).  The new spreadsheet combines personality and media handling, and will also filter for determination.  It's not perfect as some combo's are rare and filtering for determination reduces sample size further, but I have got to the point now where I use it in my main player review spreadsheet and even have one I use for staff too.

That's one of the great things about this thread - so many likeminded geeks who spend way too long messing about with spreadsheets, and more recently infographics (my new favourite thing still)

Newgen player


Players summary spreadsheet


Scruffy one for coaches with my attempt at weighting important attributes





Edited by JAwtunes
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6 hours ago, fries said:

South Shields F.C. - Wikipedia

League One

2028/29 (season 6)

Season Summary

My young players keep developing and performing. And as a team, we kept winning. Not the title this time, but another promotion. 3 promotions in a row. I have never experienced this kind of success before!

We started by losing the first game of the season. Then we lost again to a League Two team in the Carabao Cup. In the next game, we won a narrow but undeserved victory. I though that this was our level and that we would fight to win games this season. However, after that, I changed the tactics to a 4-4-2 narrow diamond formation. And then we started winning.


We also won the Papa Johns Throphy.


My two strikers did very well. Byran scored 36 goals and Walters scored 25 while he assisted 19 goals too.

The rest of the team developed very well and also performed good.



The primary reason for my success in the last few seasons is my strikers. The first one, Walters, is regarded as the best player in the league. I just renewed his contract, but he has a rather low release clause.


Another reason for my success over the past few years is Byran. So far he has scored 161 league goals in 190 league games and was my top scorer for the forth season in a row. 


A rising star and a good performer in the defense is N'Guessan. He has developed very well this season.


Another promising and well performing player is Douglas.


N'Guessan was my first player of this save to be on the NXGN list. I think this is the earliest I have had a player on that list.


The youth intake preview looked great. Lots of A's and 5 stars.

The intake was okay with some okay personalities. The five most promising players got a little game time in the end of the season was promotion almost was home.

No significant transfers this season.


However, Egan, whom I sold last season was sold to another club from Brazil.

Furthermore, I sold the 50 pct. sell-on-clause we had on Mutombo.


Finances and Upgrades
I used the money from the Mutombo clause to upgrade the facilities. But the Mutombo money is also financing the youth set up which is quite expensive every month.


Next season
Next season, I hope to keep developing my players. I really hope to keep Walters. 
The promotions must stop now. The team is no near the Premier League level. I think we will fight to avoid relegation and maybe get a mid-table position.

wow, you are doing incredible there and some insane players. what a 3 year run!!

what formation are you finding working? I am literally trying every thing possible! 1 win and 4-5 defeats, repeat. 

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Thanks for the comments everybody!

6 hours ago, Barnsley said:

wow, you are doing incredible there and some insane players. what a 3 year run!!

what formation are you finding working? I am literally trying every thing possible! 1 win and 4-5 defeats, repeat. 

The funny thing is that I have used several formations in this save. I started with a 4-3-3/4-5-1. Then I got 4 promosing offensive talents (including Walters, Byran, Egan and Oliver) and changed to a 4-2-4 formation with two strikers and two offensive wingers. I had to sell Oliver and therefore changed my formation to a 4-3-3 narrow formation with three strikers. I played this formation in the promotion seasons from the National League and League Two. I sold Egan in the winter of my League Two season. Early in my League One season I therefore changed the formation to a 4-4-2/4-1-2-1-2 narrow diamond formation.

I always try to use a formation that fits my players 


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14 hours ago, OlivierL said:


Season Preview | Competitions



So back to back promotion and we are in the first tier after only two seasons! I love the city and situation but i really don't like the financial situation so i'm not going to continue at the moment and put this on a hold for now !

I simulated this save for two more seasons and every team in Belgium had arround 10m or more debt. Only Brugge was save.


A great prospect !


Incredible job. Congratz! I hope the money in the first division is much better.

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9 minutes ago, Barnsley said:

5th Season well under way, started off flying we were top after 7, our striker got injured who is our best player and we went on our standard 11 game losing streak and have never recovered. 1 win and 2/3 losses seems to be how we play now can never build something. have lost 3 of the last 4 fixtures 1-0, tightened the ship as was shipping all over. But our next run of fixtures sees us play top, 4th 9th and a couple of others away at the top. Massive last 12 games, I have been here before in season 2 where I survived on the last day, two solid seasons after that but back to a struggle again this time. I think I have 1 player now who started at us, the rest are from the academy. I am hoping an average set of youth players with at least one quality forward in the intake next month will just give me that final edge to save me! I do not want to lose 5 seasons of pure graft and hard work, facilities are on the up, we have half a million in the bank and i am bloody enjoying this journey! i will be absolutely broken if I cant steer us to safety!

"Mon the Red Rebels!"


One particular thing that has helped me a few times is to tweak with the training schedule prior to the matches and set up a session of "Teamwork" and two sessions of either "Attacking Movement" or "Defensive Positioning" based on what the team's lacking the most. It seems that your attack is the main issue and 12 draws most likely won't save you, so you gotta grab a few wins.

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11 minutes ago, Barnsley said:

5th Season well under way, started off flying we were top after 7, our striker got injured who is our best player and we went on our standard 11 game losing streak and have never recovered. 1 win and 2/3 losses seems to be how we play now can never build something. have lost 3 of the last 4 fixtures 1-0, tightened the ship as was shipping all over. But our next run of fixtures sees us play top, 4th 9th and a couple of others away at the top. Massive last 12 games, I have been here before in season 2 where I survived on the last day, two solid seasons after that but back to a struggle again this time. I think I have 1 player now who started at us, the rest are from the academy. I am hoping an average set of youth players with at least one quality forward in the intake next month will just give me that final edge to save me! I do not want to lose 5 seasons of pure graft and hard work, facilities are on the up, we have half a million in the bank and i am bloody enjoying this journey! i will be absolutely broken if I cant steer us to safety!

"Mon the Red Rebels!"


Good luck. I never went more than 5 season in this challenge.

This year I am first at a third of the season in my first year. The start was rocky, was using an assistant recommended preset with the formation my player fit best in.

It was not that good, was bailed by a couple of late penalties. With just 15 players and two of them being GK I started to do some small thinkering.

Found that Cautious was the best mentality. And in the games I rotated the grays in tested different settings.

So far haven't need to deal with it, but when morale gets down due to losses I would choose the game in the calendar against a weak/low form team and do the team meeting before, would make sure my best players would be rested before and set the training to focus on teamwork stuff.

Also on the games I rotate before the give it all games I try different stuff.

Hope it helps.

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8 hours ago, fries said:

Thanks for the comments everybody!

The funny thing is that I have used several formations in this save. I started with a 4-3-3/4-5-1. Then I got 4 promosing offensive talents (including Walters, Byran, Egan and Oliver) and changed to a 4-2-4 formation with two strikers and two offensive wingers. I had to sell Oliver and therefore changed my formation to a 4-3-3 narrow formation with three strikers. I played this formation in the promotion seasons from the National League and League Two. I sold Egan in the winter of my League Two season. Early in my League One season I therefore changed the formation to a 4-4-2/4-1-2-1-2 narrow diamond formation.

I always try to use a formation that fits my players 


Why can’t real football managers be like this? :lol:

They always seem to shoehorn players into a way of playing rather than playing to their strengths.

I’m the same as you that I’ll adjust formation based on who I have in the squad as you have little choice with the random element of the intake being the driving force behind how you set up. It’s one of the reasons I love this type of save so much.

You also have the option to retrain players for different positions and roles if you can plan that far ahead (or are forced to).

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4 minutes ago, Neo_Geo said:

Why can’t real football managers be like this? :lol:

They always seem to shoehorn players into a way of playing rather than playing to their strengths.

I’m the same as you that I’ll adjust formation based on who I have in the squad as you have little choice with the random element of the intake being the driving force behind how you set up. It’s one of the reasons I love this type of save so much.

You also have the option to retrain players for different positions and roles if you can plan that far ahead (or are forced to).

Here we just click a few times and it's done. In real life changing a system is harder, do you or the coaches have experience in another system? Maybe the youth system has been made to produce players for your current system, do the players you have can play in another system? Maybe the scouting system is also made to get players for the system?

In my area for example I use Agile, maybe it would be better to use waterfall for a specific project, if I try to make my team use it they would oppose it strongly because it's old and outdated. 

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4 minutes ago, MadCatPT said:

Here we just click a few times and it's done. In real life changing a system is harder, do you or the coaches have experience in another system? Maybe the youth system has been made to produce players for your current system, do the players you have can play in another system? Maybe the scouting system is also made to get players for the system?

In my area for example I use Agile, maybe it would be better to use waterfall for a specific project, if I try to make my team use it they would oppose it strongly because it's old and outdated. 

So complete overhauls I agree, going from a passing game to route one for instance would be a lot harder in real life.

However, something like playing wingbacks over fullbacks because your two left and right sided defensive players are better at attacking than defending isn’t that hard to achieve. In fact those players may prefer that type of play.

Another example is having two strikers then moving to a single striker with a shadow striker, again nothing huge.

It’s also a good reason to have a varied squad rather than just ensuring you have players that fit your style. Say I played an anchor and a regista with two defensive wingers, full backs on defend and tell the team to play it long to a target forward and advanced forward. If I don’t change my style i’m totally reliant on having good DMs, so what happens if you have AMs come through one year? Having multiple tactics that you train as well reduces the likelihood,of asking your squad to do something they don’t want to do.

Of course there will be times you need to play players out of position but by in large it’s best to go with the flow of the team.

Real managers however can buy and sell players, unlike this challenge, so it isn’t really the same as they can go and buy players to fit their model, but sometimes you’ll come up against a team that render your way of playing completely useless, the good managers are not stubborn the bad ones have Plan A and Plan B is to do Plan A better (seen first hand at Rangers with Mark Warburton and now with van Bronckhorst which is why it particularly frustrates me)


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vor einer Stunde schrieb OlivierL:

Thanks, I am not going to test is. I am going to stop this save.

That's a shame, but I see your point and thanks for the test with the simulation into the future. Hope SI will fix the finances in Belgium soon

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Brønshøj BK live score, schedule and results - Football - Sofascore

Brønshøj BK - Youth Intake Season 4

I'm a bit lost for words that this is the fourth season out of four in which our highest CA player was a GK. We literally have 6 first team quality keepers in our club now and I didn't bother posting attributes of this guy since he won't play over our Driven, 4.5 star GK. The upgrades to junior coaching and youth recruitment have tanked our finances, but they will be well worth it if they mean all our intakes will have this high of a floor. At this point, we have released all of the real players at our club, so being able to stick 10+ depth players into the squad is a huge help. As always, we're only keeping tagged players, so those guys with low determination and umabitious personalities aren't sticking around.


Provstgaard 04a will immediately start as our DLP(S). That was one of our two weakest positions, so this is a huge help. He's got really good starting attributes to contribute in that role right away.


Lebæk 04e has all the attributes to play as a DC, unfortunately he's really short for the position. And with 3 crossing and 1 dribbling, and 2 passing and 1 vision, we can't really play him on the outside or as a midfielder. Will have to see if he can develop at all, and hopefully grow a bit.


Madsen 04d is quick, can cross, and can dribble, will be a rotation option on the wing.


Nørrestrand 04c has the Professional personality, so he will certainly be getting he chance to develop.


And finally, Montell 04f also has a Professional personality, and sneakily I think he could end up being the most valuable of the bunch, His baseline attributes for a wingback are all very solid. He has 7+ in all the attributes required for the CWB(S) role, with the exception of 6 flair. He's also consistent.


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vor 17 Minuten schrieb the_hdk:



Brave. To come out in Turkiye...well its 2034...so maybe things have changed by then (lets hope!). Still first time I see this in teh game. cool addition.




Oh wow, I guess you've never been to Turkey? :D It's a very common thing, there are a looot of gay (and drag) famous people there on TV, and coming out is nothing special. You know Turkey is not a religious country? Don't get it why so many people think they are like their neighbours.

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Really not feeling it in Finland. Going to start again. Thinking of Cyprus or Kazakhstan, something like that. I take it any of these type of leagues are eligible, provided I can go a promoted team in the lowest possible league?

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44 minutes ago, tual said:


Oh wow, I guess you've never been to Turkey? :D It's a very common thing, there are a looot of gay (and drag) famous people there on TV, and coming out is nothing special. You know Turkey is not a religious country? Don't get it why so many people think they are like their neighbours.

could be that most of turkish people ive met have been very religious.  I do love the country but sadly I have only visited it once.

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Reached that point in the save my players are being targeted.

Why is it the clubs making offers don’t want to postpone the transfer but then come back with a loan back offer. Don’t they know the rules of the save? :lol:

So I sold Roos to PSG after Inter met the minimum fee release clause of £6.25m, I negotiated for £5.5m, 500k after 1 international appearance and 40% of profit from next sale.

He will be missed that’s for sure, here’s the last look at him as a Chiasso player:


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5 hours ago, Shankly84 said:

Really not feeling it in Finland. Going to start again. Thinking of Cyprus or Kazakhstan, something like that. I take it any of these type of leagues are eligible, provided I can go a promoted team in the lowest possible league?

Yes 2+ divisions with relegation from the lower tier or if you choose a lower league database like i have in luxembourg or the one in norway its the last placed team after the first season. 

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