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[FM23] 5TATMAN (Version 5.0 - Updated 17.09.23)


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12 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

I am absolutely overwhelmed by the feedback I've had regarding the skin that I've put together. Therefore, I've decided to release some of it to the public - the bits that I am happy are complete. As a novice skinner, I've built up various panels over the past two or three years that I look at now and think they are pretty rubbish so this skin will only have the player profile in, at this point. As time goes on, I will update further panels to be shared.




b330c83d6e45fb5afd9dab98ab84211c.png   3a94ead8d7759f9405a3adcae4b6a097.png  666e16ff713e0870d395085f5fa9452d.png 

What is changed:

  • Re-worked player profile personal details:
    • A summary of the player's last game, for scouting purporses
    • An overview of their headline stats - adaptable for keepers and outfield players.
    • A breakdown, position by position, of their performances
  • Re-worked fitness area:
    • Fitness, jadedness, match load etc now show on the profile and are smart widgets that provide further detail
  • A whole area for statistical analysis
    • Broken down into, mainly, per/90 for each part of the pitch.
  • Re-worked attribute area:
    • Split into different attribute sections for each additional training focus



  • Due to the change in person properties.xml, this skin will not support NewGan manager. To get around this, load another skin and restart the game. Once the .rtf file is gathered - you can change back.
  • This skin has been made for my monitor - I play on Windowed 1920x1080 with sidebar icons. I think that there will be parts that will look silly on different resolutions - please let me know and I will change them accordingly.


Further Changes planned:

I will endeavour to work on this as FM23 progresses and update this thread with other panels. Here is what I will be working on - some of which is already there in my own skin, just needing finalising and others will be brand new

  • Player overview popup
  • Staff page to match the attribute layout of players
  • Club home screen containing stats



To reiterate, I'm a fair-weather skinner and this is mainly made for me. I will try and keep this updated but I wanted to give something back to a community that has been so good to me. Please give me the credit though if you want to steal any of the panels!

Statman v1.0 Release.rar 8.89 MB · 2 downloads

Very nice work @_Ben_ - very impressive and surely something you can be proud off for sure.

it just shows the different taste and ways we play this game, and thanks for sharing it with the ppl who would like to play with it this way..

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Great work, Ben, as it was said above, you can be proud.

The container with the stats will always be named after you in my files ;)

EDIT: spotted you have "Jadendess" in the first box of the fitness, maybe you will want to rename it ;)

Edited by keysi
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20 minutes ago, keysi said:

Great work, Ben, as it was said above, you can be proud.

The container with the stats will always be named after you in my files ;)

EDIT: spotted you have "Jadendess" in the first box of the fitness, maybe you will want to rename it ;)

Good spot!

Thanks for the kind words - I’ve got plenty folders and panels that I’ve used form your work over the years; you’ve been a big inspiration in how to build skins and create nest xml files!

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51 minutes ago, wkdsoul said:

Superb work.   How do pages look for player you dont own or partially scouted etc? 



Purposely quite restrictive in terms of not showing stars etc but I can't hide the stats - although that is useful, for me, when I do widespread data collection. I like that I can't see the last game report or where they've played because it means I have to scout.

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1 minute ago, _Ben_ said:


Purposely quite restrictive in terms of not showing stars etc but I can't hide the stats - although that is useful, for me, when I do widespread data collection. I like that I can't see the last game report or where they've played because it means I have to scout.

Love this work.

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Congrats on the skin, wonderful work.

This is the best player panel I've seen in years. I try almost all the skins each year and so many skins are hard to use because the player profile panel is barebones with the information, or has too much information in a layout that's hard to read.

The way you managed to get so much information in and with a very clean layout that's easy to read is incredible for me.

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Seen a couple of posts on Twitter (wow! I cannot believe the reaction - thank you so much) where the player information panel was a little bit squashed, because I'd given everything an exact value and apart from that. If you're find that it's like that and you would rather it like the image below:


Pop player overview panel.xml into Skins/Statman/panels/player and overwrite what you have there to show the panel that took me the longest to decide on!


I have also updated player fitness.xml, which can go in the same location, to correct my mis-spelling of Jadedness!

player fitness.xml player overview panel.xml

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It's been a minute, but in FM21 Danidots created a skin that changed the player attribute graph to show attribute analysis in a different way.  Especially with the attribute breakdown with your profile page, would adapting the attribute analyzer also be worth it, especially when comparing players?  The attached screenshot is from the skin he had a breakdown of what went into column but I can't find that file at the moment.


Appreciate the work you've put into your profile page, I'll be using it when I get back to my home computer.



Edited by Jellico73
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15 minutes ago, Jellico73 said:

It's been a minute, but in FM21 Danidots created a skin that changed the player attribute graph to show attribute analysis in a different way.  Especially with the attribute breakdown with your profile page, would adapting the attribute analyzer also be worth it, especially when comparing players?  The attached screenshot is from the skin he had a breakdown of what went into column but I can't find that file at the moment.


Appreciate the work you've put into your profile page, I'll be using it when I get back to my home computer.



In the skin that became this, I did have an attribute analyser, as seen here:


I had thought about setting that up for each additional training category, as I have done with the attributes, but found I didn't really use it. The comparison screen right now certainly needs some work because, obviously, the player profile view doesn't stretch that far so it's something I will think about!

17 minutes ago, karlcole said:

Don't suppose Youd be able to add or point me in the right direction of being able to have the edit button under the player analytics area? WKDSOUL has this on his and it would save a bit of time when request data for players.




I actually don't know - sorry! Most of the stuff would be in player/data_hub but I've taken that out from my skin because I only have completed the one section. Worth looking in Wkdsoul's skin files for it?

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4 minutes ago, JohnWarrington said:

Looking to change the happiness section into a career stats section (just my personal preference).  Could anyone kindly point me to the file I need to edit to do this please?




Of course! I've toyed with it but liked that one.

It's like 395 of player overview panel.xml

<!-- COMPARISON  -->
		<container class="bordered_box" default_width="300" minimum_width="300"  priority="1">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/> 
    <widget class="player_additional_stats_panel" id="Plgm" file="player/tcs/overview/selector/small/morale" width="-1" priority="1">
      <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>

'morale' is just the name of that box but I think I actually have a career stats one in that directory or you can move your own into place.

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1 minute ago, _Ben_ said:

Of course! I've toyed with it but liked that one.

It's like 395 of player overview panel.xml

<!-- COMPARISON  -->
		<container class="bordered_box" default_width="300" minimum_width="300"  priority="1">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/> 
    <widget class="player_additional_stats_panel" id="Plgm" file="player/tcs/overview/selector/small/morale" width="-1" priority="1">
      <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>

'morale' is just the name of that box but I think I actually have a career stats one in that directory or you can move your own into place.

Thanks :D

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6 hours ago, milenec11 said:


but can you and players photo and role scheme in tactic panel pleaseeeeee?????

or you could learn to do it yourself, this way you would be able to do it every year and just appreciate the leg work a skin maker does to support you with a skin where you can add bits and bobs of your liking.

just a thought.


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I just want to restate how great this is. A unique approach that I believe is more realistic to the way players are analyzed today.

I'm gonna use it forever non stop lol.

No matter what skin I plug in, this is the player view I want.

Quick question, will we see if there's attribute changes with the typical "arrow up" or "arrow down"?




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2 hours ago, Matt_1979 said:

Nice work Ben - so glad you made it available.

As soon as that player info panel is sorted I'll be all over it. Turns out I use that WAY more than I realised!! haha

What are you thinking Matt? I don't really use this much and wanted to go for something really simple - like this mockup:


I'm going to try and make two or three polygons that can collate the total scores for the attribute boxes. I guess that this is where the personal preference comes and having the knowledge to either use my popup here, someone else's or just the original in-game one.


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hace 20 minutos, _Ben_ dijo:

Nope, I had to sacrifice that bit, sorry! Couldn't find a way to get it to show changes.

No worries, mate. You keep playing and having fun, and if you choose to share your awesome work, we'll happily receive it.

There the progress tab to show as improvements!


Again, thank you, this is wonderful stuff!

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Playing around with the staff screen this morning and have just solidified the stuff I had already made for my own skin, leaving it like this:


I want consistency between the human and AI panels but have not yet found out the way to show different things, as I was able to do with keepers and outfield players, for example. I imagine that a few more days of playing around will be needed before I can add this to the release version of the skin.

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26 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

What are you thinking Matt? I don't really use this much and wanted to go for something really simple - like this mockup:


I'm going to try and make two or three polygons that can collate the total scores for the attribute boxes. I guess that this is where the personal preference comes and having the knowledge to either use my popup here, someone else's or just the original in-game one.


Hate to hijack this thread but I can’t seem to find players faces on the squad view this season. Do you know what tab they come under? Thanks 

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48 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

What are you thinking Matt? I don't really use this much and wanted to go for something really simple - like this mockup:


I'm going to try and make two or three polygons that can collate the total scores for the attribute boxes. I guess that this is where the personal preference comes and having the knowledge to either use my popup here, someone else's or just the original in-game one.


Oh yeah, I do like that actually. I usually use it as its currently in the standard skin, to get a quick glimpse of the attributes and positions, but this is lovely. Especially once the season is under way.

I retract my earlier comment.

Edited by Matt_1979
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31 minutes ago, Matt_1979 said:

Oh yeah, I do like that actually. I usually use it as its currently in the standard skin, to get a quick glimpse of the attributes and positions, but this is lovely. Especially once the season is under way.

I retract my earlier comment.

No, no, no!

You got me thinking and playing. I'm finding the popup really restrictive, if I'm honest. Therefore, haven't been able to add more panels to the right of the overview but have built this:

beda7a07bb0a12a59f297abf5f192310.png 53768095ddf1c968f72309401204044d.png

I've remade the season stats and personal info for this popup to be a little more brief - removed xG and xA as well as Reputation, place of birth, international caps etc. I have had to rename some of the categories (Ball Control -> Control and GK Distribtion -> GK Distr) in order to get them to fit in.

I think that the point of this popup, for me, is to get a brief overview, largely when scouting the opposition and that would come from looking at their squad screen, which, in my Opposition View, already has the per90 metrics on, therefore just seen attributes here would be fine. Of course, you could change the height of the bottom panel to 0 to just show the top panel of info for those attribute-less!

What do you think of that? I ask out of genuine interest and of someone that has said how much they use this panel.

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Absolutely love this! Having all the data to hand really makes it easy to see who is performing and how, or not. 

However… I do like the attribute polygon for getting a glance at player strengths and weaknesses overall. Would it possible for you to make a version with it included, possibly in place of the Games played in position panel, so that I don’t need to keep switching to the attributes page?

Thanks, and keep up the great work!

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13 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

No, no, no!

You got me thinking and playing. I'm finding the popup really restrictive, if I'm honest. Therefore, haven't been able to add more panels to the right of the overview but have built this:

beda7a07bb0a12a59f297abf5f192310.png 53768095ddf1c968f72309401204044d.png

I've remade the season stats and personal info for this popup to be a little more brief - removed xG and xA as well as Reputation, place of birth, international caps etc. I have had to rename some of the categories (Ball Control -> Control and GK Distribtion -> GK Distr) in order to get them to fit in.

I think that the point of this popup, for me, is to get a brief overview, largely when scouting the opposition and that would come from looking at their squad screen, which, in my Opposition View, already has the per90 metrics on, therefore just seen attributes here would be fine. Of course, you could change the height of the bottom panel to 0 to just show the top panel of info for those attribute-less!

What do you think of that? I ask out of genuine interest and of someone that has said how much they use this panel.

I loved the xG and xGA being in there. As we know, goals and assists don’t always paint a true picture so having those available would be brilliant. 

“Bob only has two assists, he no playmaker to worry about….”

Then to see he should have 7 assists if not for a bit more luck would be vital info 👌

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5 minutes ago, wkdsoul said:

You could conceivably make the groups into one attribute analysis polygon albeit about 14 sided.

I’d be happy with just having the normal one from the game patched into the skin rather than something bespoke. I have set ideas on what the shape should look like for a given position/role and it’s easier for me to get an overview of a player using that rather than looking at the individual attributes, which comes later in my analysis of a player. 

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50 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

No, no, no!

You got me thinking and playing. I'm finding the popup really restrictive, if I'm honest. Therefore, haven't been able to add more panels to the right of the overview but have built this:

beda7a07bb0a12a59f297abf5f192310.png 53768095ddf1c968f72309401204044d.png

I've remade the season stats and personal info for this popup to be a little more brief - removed xG and xA as well as Reputation, place of birth, international caps etc. I have had to rename some of the categories (Ball Control -> Control and GK Distribtion -> GK Distr) in order to get them to fit in.

I think that the point of this popup, for me, is to get a brief overview, largely when scouting the opposition and that would come from looking at their squad screen, which, in my Opposition View, already has the per90 metrics on, therefore just seen attributes here would be fine. Of course, you could change the height of the bottom panel to 0 to just show the top panel of info for those attribute-less!

What do you think of that? I ask out of genuine interest and of someone that has said how much they use this panel.

This may be a stupid question, but could you not tab the popup? That way, you could have one tab showing the information in your screenshot (the main tab) and another tab with, say, an attribute polygon and the personal information you have removed as well as a few more 'detailed' stats like xG and xA?

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44 minutes ago, TacticalGenius said:

Absolutely love this! Having all the data to hand really makes it easy to see who is performing and how, or not. 

However… I do like the attribute polygon for getting a glance at player strengths and weaknesses overall. Would it possible for you to make a version with it included, possibly in place of the Games played in position panel, so that I don’t need to keep switching to the attributes page?

Thanks, and keep up the great work!

Thanks for the feedback but, as I said at the start, it’s a personal project and I won’t be adding stuff that I wouldn’t use myself. Relatively easy to do yourself though!

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44 minutes ago, Matt_1979 said:

I loved the xG and xGA being in there. As we know, goals and assists don’t always paint a true picture so having those available would be brilliant. 

“Bob only has two assists, he no playmaker to worry about….”

Then to see he should have 7 assists if not for a bit more luck would be vital info 👌

True. Again - my intention was a brief look before diving deeper into the stats but I absolutely agree - considering how long we’ve petitioned for them! Away from my computer right now but have added a selector so you can see attributes or metrics on that popup screen now. Will share later on!

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22 minutes ago, wkdsoul said:

You could conceivably make the groups into one attribute analysis polygon albeit about 14 sided.

Was thinking seven and seven tone honest. Will play later on! I had initially wanted it instead of the attributes but now I have them, I’m less sold on it. 

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2 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

Was thinking seven and seven tone honest. Will play later on! I had initially wanted it instead of the attributes but now I have them, I’m less sold on it. 

Might make a decent tab panel, just the two octogons for a quick eyeball. 

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29 minutes ago, EnigMattic1 said:

This may be a stupid question, but could you not tab the popup? That way, you could have one tab showing the information in your screenshot (the main tab) and another tab with, say, an attribute polygon and the personal information you have removed as well as a few more 'detailed' stats like xG and xA?

Like this?

713288aa683bbfd65ea2e09fd7a6fbcc.png 25b3d47ef41abcf202690f38e151dd86.png

EDIT: Will organise alphabetically, too...

Edited by _Ben_
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