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The Interface

Football Manager Mobile™ 2023's interface is designed to be intuitive to the user to ensure that playing the game and using the abundance of features is made as easy as possible. The following is a short glossary to help explain some of the terms used in this manual.

Action Bar

The Action bar is displayed at the bottom of every screen. The Action Bar contains Action buttons that operate main functions for the item/s on the page and either complete or revert an action on them.

On some pages, the Action Bar also contains the option to switch between different views of the item or group of items in question.

Bookmarks Menu

The Bookmarks Menu provides you with a list of screens for a game object which you can interact with and derive information from. It can be accessed from the Menu-styled button on the right-hand side of the Title Bar when viewing a game object. In most cases, it is possible to swipe between the items listed on the bookmarks menu as indicated by the Swipe Dots displayed on the title bar. You can configure this menu to animate (slide out) in Preferences.

Game Object

A game object roughly corresponds to an item in the game database; a person or team, for example. As a rule, each screen is intended to display information about a single game object (although the information may include lists of other game objects that are related to the main one).


A screen displays some information in the game. Normally the screen represents a single game object, for example a player or a team.

Each screen has a title and one or more sections. The title will generally stay the same regardless of which section is being displayed. A screen can also have a subtitle, although often the current section determines this so it changes when the user chooses a different section.

Example: An example of a screen in Football Manager Mobile™ 2023 would be the Person screen. This has several sections including Attributes, Contract and History.

Screen Area

The Screen Area is the part of the game's display that changes for each screen. It contains information related to the current screen.

Side Menu

The Side Menu is present on selected devices with a larger resolution and allows the user to access specific screens quickly and easily from anywhere in the game without having to first return to the Home screen. It also contains quick links to both the Home and the News screens. You can configure this menu to animate (slide out) in Preferences.

Title Bar

The title features text indicating the purpose of the screen. The title will generally be displayed in a large font in a prominent place.

The Title Bar also contains the Bookmarks Menu button when applicable - see the separate section relating to this.

To the right of the Title Bar lies the Continue/Confirm button, which is used to progress through the game. Next to this is the current in-game date.

The Back button is found on the left-hand end of the Title Bar. This returns the user to the screen which they previously visited.

The Home screen allows the user to navigate to any area of the game relating directly to their job as manager and can always be accessed from the bottom left of any screen.


A series of brief but informative tutorials are available throughout the game whenever you visit a screen for the first time, offering an explanation and summary of where you and what you should find there.

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